Chapter 14: Easily Overpowered

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'Where are they?' Elijah asked as Oliver, the werewolf, walked into the large storage facility to meet Elijah and I.

'They should be right behind me,' Oliver replied. 'Any minute now.'

'Here we go,' I said, as the sounds of werewolves growling all around us echoed through the building.

'Don't bother trying to run,' one of the wolves said. 'We've got you surrounded.'

'Wait... you don't think that we would be dumb enough to bring them here, did you?' Oliver asked with an incredulous smile, looking around at the group.

'Yes. I do apologise for any inconvenience,' Elijah said. 'The little ones you seek are elsewhere, which I suppose leaves you here with us.'

'You're the ones who don't seem to understand,' the wolf said. 'We don't want the kids. The witch wants the two of you,' he said, and Elijah and I looked at each other.

'You listen to me very carefully,' Elijah replied, shedding his jacket. 'I told a good friend I'd do my very best to spare the lives of her people. You leave right now, and I will honour that. Stay, and the situation becomes - irrefutably awkward.' He discarded his jacket on a nearby car roof. 'Very well. You should leave.'

'Either I'm in, or I'm out, right?' Oliver asked. The three of us gathered in a semi-circle, facing the wolves surrounding us.

Several moments later...

The three of us, covered in blood, emerged from the sea of werewolf bodies, Oliver ripping a limb off of one of them. Elijah stood.

'I guess that's all they got,' Oliver said.

'So it would seem,' Elijah replied. Suddenly, Elijah and I both yelled in pain, falling to our knees.

'Actually, I'm just getting started,' Finn said, coming around the corner. Oliver attempted to charge him, but Finn used his magic to throw him into a car, temporarily incapacitating him. Elijah grabbed his brother, holding him against the car, getting ready to snap his neck.

'Perhaps your new body will last a little longer than this one, brother.' Just as he was about to snap it, a blade appeared in Elijah's chest, and he let out a scream.

'Elijah!' I screamed in panic. I saw Esther, in Lenore's body, twisting the blade around, and he crumpled to the ground. I tried to get up to fight the two, but then Lenore suddenly made something snap inside of me, and just when I realised it was my neck that had been snapped, I collapsed just mere feet from Elijah.

Elijah awoke, groggy from being knocked unconscious by the blade. He vaguely registered the jangle of chains, and tried to tug on them. Looking over to his right, he saw me slowly waking up, chained as well.

'Elijah,' I gasped. He met eyes with Esther.

'What do you want?' She stood and walked over to her son.

'I only want us to be a family again, Elijah, but I'm so sorry.' She grasped his chin so as to force him to look at her. 'But in order for that to happen, you must be purified.' She walked away, down the hall, Elijah staring after her.

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