Chapter 3: A Matter of Possibilities and Impossibilities

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Klaus Mikaelson stood on the balcony, overlooking the city's nightlife as the citizens of New Orleans danced in the streets, music playing below. Without turning around, he spoke. 

'Evening, Elijah. Lilliana.' 

'Niklaus,' Elijah replied. 

'What an entirely unwelcome surprise.' 

'And what an entirely unsurprising welcome,' Lilliana chimed in. 'Come with us, Nik.' He turned around. 

'I'm not going anywhere until I find out who is conspiring against me.' 

'I believe I just found that out for you,' Elijah said, making the hybrid look between the two of us. 

In Lafayette Cemetery... 

'No. It's impossible,' Klaus said while looking at Hayley, surrounded by Sophie Deveraux and a few of the other witches. 

'I said the same thing myself,' Elijah mused.' 

'This is a lie. You are all lying! Vampires cannot procreate,' Klaus exclaimed angrily. 

'But werewolves can,' Sophie said, making Klaus turn to face her. 'Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind. And this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes.' 

'You've been with someone else, admit it!' Klaus screamed at Hayley as Elijah held her back from getting to her. 

'Hey, I've spent days held captive in a freaking alligator bayou because they think that I'm carrying some sort of magical miracle baby,' Hayley snapped. 'Don't you think I would have fessed up if it wasn't yours?' Sophie stepped forwards. 

'My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. We can keep them safe. Or we can kill them. If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Hayley won't live to see her first maternity dress.' 

'Wait, what?' Hayley exclaimed in shock and panic. 

'Excuse me?' I chimed in angrily. 'You would murder an innocent wolf and her child. You sick bitch -' I tried to lunge towards Sophie, but Elijah pulled me back. 

'Enough of this. You want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself,' Elijah said to the group. 

'No. We can't, not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules.' During this whole time, Klaus was silent. He slowly turned. 

'How dare you command me,' he hissed at Sophie. 'Threaten me, with what you wrongfully percieve to be my weaknesses! I won't hear any more lies.' He began to stalk out of the tomb vault, but then Elijah called out to him. 

'Niklaus!' Slowly but surely, he turned to face his brother. 'Listen.' He turned back to Hayley, looking down at her stomach as the heartbeat of the child within her beat fast and strong. He turned back to Sophie and the rest of the witches. 

'Kill her... and the baby. What do I care?' Then he turned and left. 

'Screw this, I'm out of here,' Hayley said, turning around and beginning to walk off, but then two witches stopped in front of her, preventing her from leaving, but Elijah came between Hayley and Sophie Deveraux. 

'No one touches the girl. Stay here with Hayley, Lilliana.' I nodded in a subtle reply. 'I will fix this.' He turned and left the vault. 

Klaus stalked down the darkened streets of New Orleans, when he heard Elijah call out to him. 


'It's a trick, Elijah,' Klaus replied. 

'No, brother. It's a gift. It's your chance.' He stopped, not turning to face his brother. 'It's our chance.' 

'To what?' 

'To start over. To take back everything we lost, everything that was ever taken from us. Niklaus, our own parents came to despise us,' Elijah replied, walking slowly up to his brother. 'Our family was ruined - we were ruined. And since then, all that you have ever wanted - all that we have ever wanted was a family.' He stopped, meeting eyes with his younger brother. 

'I will not be manipulated.' He turned around to leave, but Elijah vamp-sped, blocking his way. 

'So they're manipulating you. So what? With them, this girl and her child - your child... live.' 

'I'm gonna kill every last one of them.' He shoved Elijah and turned away once more, but once again, Elijah vamp sped to block him from the other side. 

'And then what? You return to Mystic Falls to resume your life as the hated one, as the evil hybrid? Is it so important to you that people quake with fear at the sound of your name?'

'People quake with fear because I have the power to make them afraid. What will this child offer me? Will it guarantee me power?' 

'Family is power, Niklaus,' Elijah replied simply. 'Love, loyalty, that's power. This is what we swore to one another a thousand years ago, before life tore away what little humanity you had left, before ego, before anger, before paranoia created in this person before me someone I can barely recognise as my own brother. This is us... the Original family, and we remain together, always and forever. I am asking you to stay here. I will help you and I will stand by you. Lilliana and I will both stand by you. I will be your brother. We will build a home here together. So save this girl.' He came forward, placing his hand on Klaus' shoulder. 'Save your child.' Klaus placed his hand on Elijah's shoulder, the two of them looking deeply into each other's eyes. 

'No.' Then Klaus turned, pulling away from Elijah, and stalked out of sight of his brother. 

Hours later... 

The witches Sophie Deveraux, Agnes and Sabine stood inside the witch vault, talking as the bell tolled. 

'His time is up. What are you gonna do now, Sophie?' Agnes asked. 

'I'm gonna do what I said was I gonna do,' Sophie replied, looking up to the two older witches resolutely. 

'What, kill the girl? Kill yourself?' Sabine asked. 

'Klaus does not care about the child,' Agnes chimed in. 

'We do,' I said, Elijah and myself entering the witch tomb vault in the cemetery, Elijah carrying a body with him. 

'And here is proof of our intent to help you,' Elijah spoke, laying the body down on the floor, wrapped in a sheet. 'The body of your fallen friend; which I procured from Marcel himself.' 

'Oh, Jane-Anne,' Sophie said softly, her hand going to her mouth as Sabine knelt down next to her to offer her comfort, the grief still all too fresh. Elijah stood again. 

'May she be granted peace. Klaus will agree to your terms. I just need a little more time.' 

'You had your time,' Agnes snapped. 'It's passed.' 

'Shut up, Agnes,' Sabine hissed, turning back to Elijah and myself. 

'For now, accept the deal,' Elijah replied to the three witches. 'The girl and the child remain unharmed, or Klaus will kill you all.' He took my hand, turning to walk away, and walked a few paces, then turned again. 'And myself and Lilliana will help him.' Then the two of us walked away.

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