Chapter 8: Threat on the Horizon

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Elijah chained up Genevieve, while Hayley and I looked on.

'Why?' Hayley asked her as Elijah fastened the chains.

'The ancestors left me no choice.'

'You were willing to sacrifice an innocent baby for more power,' I snapped.

'Oh, not just power. It was the ancestors' decree. It was her decree.' Elijah grabbed her chin forcefully, making her look into his eyes.

'It was whose decree?' he hissed.

'I'm surprised you have to ask. After all, you were the one who convinced your siblings to consecrate her in New Orleans soil.'

'Esther,' Hayley said. My heart sank. Elijah let go of her, stepping back.

'Even death cannot stop my mother from seeking the annihilation of her own flesh and blood.'

'This isn't the end,' Genevieve replied. 'As long as that child lives, the witches of New Orleans will never stop coming for it. Esther will never stop coming for it. It has been decreed. Your baby will be consecrated among her ancestors. She will not live.' Suddenly, blood began to flow from her eyes. 'They're coming for me. I can feel it. I failed them,' she wept. 'Understand. I just wanted to live. Tell Klaus... I'm sorry.' She started to cough and heave up blood as her eyes continued to bleed profusely. Hayley stepped forward, and suddenly thrusted a blade into Genevieve's stomach, tearing her open from navel to ribs. She leaned forward, whispering in her ear, but Elijah and I could both hear it.

'I'm not.' She stepped away, and Genevieve slumped in her chains, dead. Hayley walked past us and out of the witches' alcove.

Hours later...

'They will be watching us, all of them,' Klaus said. 'The four of us leaving together will draw too much attention.'

The four of us walked to the memorial with the lives of the people that were lost, and on a small plaque, was a memorial dedicated to the newborn Mikaelson baby. We were sending her away with Rebekah. She would be safe until the threat from Esther died down enough to return the baby girl to New Orleans. But for now, we had to sell the part of a grief stricken family that just lost their newest member.

'I will go alone. Take your mourning public when I'm gone.'

'I don't imagine that will be too difficult,' Elijah replied. 'Grief, after all, is grief. In what world will she be safe without us?'

Hayley, sobbing bitterly, kissed her fingers, touching them to the memorial photo.

'Who can protect her better than we?'

'There is one person,' Klaus replied.

The door opened and Rebekah stepped out of the car, walking towards Klaus, holding the newborn baby Mikaelson in his arms.

'Hello, sister,' he said with a smile. She looked down at the baby with a gentle smile of admiration.

'She looks like her mother. Maybe there is a God after all.'

'Well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes,' Klaus said. 'That's all me. You'll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell.'

'I'll find one.'

'No one can ever find her.'

'I know what to do, Nik.' She looked down at the baby again. 'Perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that will be lovely.' Klaus adjusted the baby to look at her.

'This city would see you dead, but I will have it your home, and every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down. Just as sure as my blood runs in your veins, you will return to me.' He pressed a gentle kiss to the baby's head, giving her to Rebekah. He placed a wooden horse chess piece on top of her baby blanket. 'In spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more with my daughter's life.' He leaned over, giving Rebekah a kiss on the cheek. 'Be happy, sister.'

'She will be happy, Nik,' Rebekah replied softly. 'I promise. What's her name?'

'Hope. Her name is Hope.' The two stepped away from each other, tears spilling down Klaus' face.

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