Chapter 6: Conversations with a Teenage Witch

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The next morning...

Elijah sat in the loveseat, and I sat in his lap, the two of us reading a book together. I looked up at Klaus, reading a book across from us, and he met my eyes with a small smirk. Between us, on the coffee table, lay a dead girl, blood drained. Rebekah walked into the room, looking between the three of us.

'So this is the first thing you do when we're back together as a family... Vampire book club?'

'Reading edifies the mind, sister... Isn't that right, Elijah?' Klaus asked.

'Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus,' he replied softly, planting a soft kiss on my cheek as he turned a page.

'And what's this business?' she asked, gesturing to the dead girl on the table.

'This is a... peace offering,' Elijah replied dismissively.

'I presumed, after so much time dessicating in a coffin, that my big brother and his girlfriend might be a bit peckish.'

'And I explained to my little brother, on behalf of both myself and my girlfriend, that forgiveness cannot be bought. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behaviour that indicates contrition and personal growth, not this - nonsense.'

'I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?' Klaus replied with a smirk.

'I don't chow down on humans, Nik. I barely took a taste,' I shot back.

'Well, I suppose I'll fetch the rubbish bin,' Rebekah replied, 'because you're staining a 200-year old carpet.' Elijah looked to see the blood from the girl's body dripping onto the floor.

'Oh, yes,' he said softly, Klaus replying only with a smirk.

A few moments later...

'Poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees,' Rebekah mused as she watched Klaus read the same page over and over again as she scrubbed the carpet free of blood. 'Looks like someone's worried about impending daddyhood.' Klaus shook away his thoughts.

'Nonsense. Elijah is back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie dust and float away.'

'Strange,' Elijah said, as he and I walked back into the room. 'I don't recall any pixie dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure.' He peeled open Esther's grimoire.

'What are you doing with Mother's spell book?' Rebekah asked.

'Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire. It'll help her to control her magic. Thought we'd begin with a little unlinking spell.' He bound the pages in a small leather binder, and then Rebekah spoke.

'Wait... you want to use her to unlink Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?'

'Sophie brought us to this town under false pretenses. She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions. She wants to take Davina. So she yoked her cause to ours with magic, threats and half-truths. Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void.' He took a breath. 'Niklaus, I need you to come with me and Lilliana. I need five minutes alone with Davina. You need to make certain I am not interrupted.' He turned to Rebekah. 'You stay here and watch Hayley.' The two of us turned and walked out, Rebekah calling out after us,

'How did I get elected super-nanny?!' Klaus rose from his chair.

'More importantly, who put him in charge?' Klaus replied and exited the room with us.

At the church...

Elijah gave three soft knocks on the door of Davina's room. She turned, letting a smile slip. He held up the leather binder containing the spells.

'I made a promise.' She looked over at me, and her smile dropped, her body going rigid, instantly wary.

'Who is she?'

'My girlfriend. Lilliana, meet the witch Davina. Davina, meet my girlfriend, Lilliana Moore.'

'Its nice to meet you - officially,' I replied.

'Come in,' she said, her mouth creasing into a gentle smile again.

He laid the pages on the table in front of her.

'The spell of unknotting?' she asked.

'This is a sanguinem knot,' Elijah said, showing the ball of rope to her. 'The witches use it as representational magic. If you unknot this rope using that spell, you'll have taken an important step towards control.' He laid the ball of rope on the table. 'This is one of my mother's later spells; requires much more power than you realise. Now, if you can perform this, I shall return with another page.' He took my hand and walked towards the door. Then he turned. 'A spell of your choosing next time.' She said nothing, only watched the two of us leave.

It had been an eventful few days, with Hayley being stabbed by a syringe that was apparently a cursed object. It nearly killed her baby, but luckily, we got the link between Sophie Deveraux and Hayley broken just in time, thanks to our resident teenage witch Davina Claire. As revenge, Elijah murdered the last New Orleans witch leader, Agnes.

And for a while, we were safe.

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