Chapter 2: Murder is bad

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Hello, any amazing people who decided to read my story!  I don't really have anything important to say, so Thank you for reading!

-*Russia POV*-

UN was discussing something about trade, economy, and all of that boring stuff, when America  practically sauntered in the meeting room. Russia looked at the clock. The meeting had started 20 minutes ago, and the American was casually strolling in like it was no big deal that he was over half an hour late. "Yo. What's up?" America said, leaning against the doorway. Russia just glared at America with pure, undisguised hatred in his eyes. The American returned the glare and flipped him off.

"Welcome, America, 20 minutes late as usual, huh?" UN said. Russia watched as America sat in his designated spot, which was luckily far away from Russia. "Anyway, We have a lot to discuss." UN stated. "And it doesn't help that a certain someone was late" he added with a glare directed at America.

America and Russia's eyes met. Russia could see only coldness and hatred in America's eyes, and Russia reciprocated it. "What're you looking at, Commie?" America remarked. Russia felt the burning hatred in his stomach grow upon hearing the nickname. "Ничего, you capitalist pig" Russia retorted. (ничего=nothing)

UN just told the two countries to settle down, and so, they continued with the meeting. There was not a lot to be announced, but what made everyone so invested was the tension between the two countries. Today, for some reason, Russia felt that America was more cold towards him than usual.

He felt America's gaze burn into him. "Take a picture" Russia snarled " It'll last longer." What surprised him is that America actually pulled out his phone and snapped a quick picture. America looked down at his phone and snorted. "You look stupid" he said, showing the phone to everyone else at the meeting.

Russia rolled his eyes. "Well," he started "No matter how bad I may look, at least I cannot look any worse than you." A few countries raised their eyebrows in disbelief, and Australia was looking like he was about to die of laughter.

At this point, America was seething with rage and Russia was filled with cold hatred for the American. Canada, who sat next to America was trying desperately to calm him down, muttering something along the lines of "It isn't worth it", and Ukraine, who was sat next to Russia, was also trying to calm him down.

The difference between Russia and America was that Russia did his best to keep a calm demeanor while also appearing cold, but America, on the other hand, let his anger be known. America crumpled up his copy of the agenda for the meeting, and tossed it at Russia with all of his strength.

Russia just caught it and smiled coldly.

Not a happy, or a reassuring smile, but a threatening smile. A smile that assured that America was totally screwed.

"You are going to regret that." Russia said in a deep voice, his thick accent making it sound even more threatening. UN, along with a many other countries (including Ukraine, Canada, Belarus, and New Zealand) were trying their hardest to calm the situation, but a few other countries (including Mexico and Australia) were sitting in the corner eating popcorn and watching the scene unfold with anticipation. Wait. Where the fuck did they even get popcorn from?

However, Russia was not listening to anything that was being said. He was blinded with rage. He had put up America and his nonsense for years now. Today, something inside of him had just snapped. He pulled out a small dagger from his pocket, and threw it at America, purposely missing. He hated America, but he did not want to kill him.

That was a lie.

Russia most certainly did want to kill him. The only thing stopping him was the fact that he did not want another death on his conscience. After he had thrown the small knife, The room was immediately filled with a deafening silence, followed with an uproar. So many countries were speaking at once that he could hardly make out any words. When the noise had died down a bit, America stared Russia dead in the eyes, and said with a smirk playing on his face:

"Missed me"

Russia stared at America in shock. Did he really just say that? Russia thought, he must have a death wish.

"What are you going to do now, commie?" America practically spat the name off his tongue. "You wasted your only weapon on a horrible throw! Fuckin' Moron!" America  taunted.  Russia smiled coldly. "You really do keep making this worse for yourself, сука." (сука=bitch)

" How so?" America said, smirking. "I'm the one in possession of a knife" he said, picking up the blade that Russia had thrown at him. Russia just looked uninterested and pulled out a larger knife from his other pocket.

"Just so you know, America, last time, I was not trying to hit you." he said in a thick accent. Then, Russia said something that made America's blood go cold.

"But I can assure you, America,"

"...This time I will be."


(866 words)


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