Chapter 38: A long delayed explanation

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Don't mind if I do

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Don't mind if I do

Also, there may be some references to my "Ask the Balkans" book. Obviously, though, there will not be anything included that you cannot understand without reading it.


-*America's POV*-

Going by the way Russia talked about the Karaoke meetup, it was immediately apparent he didn't want to go.

Still, as he had unhappily explained, it was necessary for every current European country to attend. They weren't required to participate, since EU really couldn't care less, but they had to at least show up.

Seeing America's puzzled expression, Russia decided to elaborate. "It's sort of like tradition at this point. A while back, UN told us that we were required to have a meeting at least every two months between the European countries, but he never specified what kind. EU, wanting to see how far he could push this, decided to just make it a karaoke party, since it's obvious he doesn't enjoy watching Romania and Hungary bicker back and forth about who owns Transylvania all meeting long. It's only called a karaoke 'meetup' for formalities, and UN just allowed this, seeing as he didn't want to suffer dealing with EU." He explained, letting out a sigh after he had finished.

America blinked slowly, trying to process all this information. "I'm pretty sure that's the most I've ever hear you say." he said amusedly, causing Russia to roll his eyes.

Yes, it was quite odd that EU hosted a mandatory karaoke meetup every two months, but everyone agreed that it was better than a normal, boring meeting.

There was exactly two days until the "meetup," which America was growing more and more curious about by the minute. He had no clue why Russia seemed to be so terrified of the fact that the Balkans were attending, but he was sure it couldn't be that bad...


Although, America was getting nowhere by asking Russia about it. He refused to elaborate, simply telling America, "You'll see." in an ominous tone.

He eventually gave up, deciding that it couldn't be that bad. "Whatever. It's not like they'd blow up the establishment or something." he muttered, causing Russia to squint at him uncomfortably.

"Yeah, so funny story-" He began awkwardly, resulting in America's eyes widening in disbelief. "They're actually famous for blowing up buildings, especially their own house. Slovenia told me the other day that Bulgaria had recently blown up their living room again with a missile launcher over a game of Monopoly."

America blinked slowly, growing more and more concerned. "There is so much to unpack in that sentence..." He said, shaking his head, "First of all, 'again'?!' As in he's done it before?!"

In response, Russia just shrugged and nodded, as if to say, "I guess so."

The room was filled with an awkward silence, causing America to shuffle around in the bed. "So, uh..." He began awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with the Russian, "Is your hangover any better yet?"

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