Chapter 45: Refusal to believe the truth

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Ah yes, a Balkan country joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, makes a ton of sense

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Ah yes, a Balkan country joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, makes a ton of sense.


-*Russia's POV*-

"Yes. I am in love."

Upon hearing this, Russia felt a sudden pang of sadness. America was in love with someone?

Who was he kidding, of course he was. His only friend would soon leave him for someone else, just as everyone else had.

And Russia didn't blame him. If he were in America's place, he likely wouldn't choose himself either. After all, what was he but an unstable alcoholic with trauma? Someone like America deserved infinitely better than him.

He shouldn't be so disappointed America was in love. Whoever it was would probably be able to take care of America and make him happier than Russia could ever.

Then, Russia felt a rush of confusion. Why was he treating this as if he had a crush on America? He shouldn't care if America's potential significant other could take better care of him and make him happier. It's not like it was a competition for America's love.

Even if it were, Russia wouldn't be competing in the first place. America was just his friend, and that was that.

Russia was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice America arriving back at the table.

"So!" America asked cheerfully, snapped Russia out of his thoughts, "How was I?"

His voice sounded somewhat different than usual. It was slightly higher, almost as if he were nervous, and there was also a hint of uncertainty in his tone.


Nevertheless, Russia dismissed it as a result of the aftermath of his song. After all, it was nerve-wracking to go up onstage and sing your heart out about someone you loved, even if they were anonymous.

A sudden realization struck Russia.

It was possible that whoever America had been singing about was in this room right now. For some reason, just the idea of it made him upset.

Once again, America interrupting Russia's train of thought by waving a hand in front of his face. "Hello? Ruski? Is everything okay?" He asked worriedly, concerned he had done something wrong.

Russia shook his head a bit to help him snap out of it. "I'm fine. Sorry, I was just thinking about something." He said with fake cheerfulness in his voice.

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