Chapter 48: Time spent well

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My sincerest condolences to anyone living in Bucharest

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My sincerest condolences to anyone living in Bucharest.

My sincerest condolences to anyone living in Bucharest

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-*America's POV*-

America's mind was spinning, to say the least.

Did Russia return his feelings or not?

He felt slightly hurt that the Russian had just moved on from the kiss so quickly rather than elaborating. As a result, he was understandably confused.

While they had shared the kiss, America had nearly been sure that Russia loved him back. But now, considering how quickly he agreed to just forget about it, he wasn't sure.

Now, America couldn't help but feel that he had almost pressured Russia into it. Russia probably hadn't even wanted to do it to begin with, but America had told him that would be the only way he would get up. As much as he tried banishing these thoughts, they kept coming back.

The obvious option would be to just ask him about it, but America was too afraid of facing rejection again. Although he could essentially hear the external voices yelling at him about how stupid he was, America was getting very mixed reactions from Russia, and he would much rather play it safe than sorry.

After all, what if he ruined all that he had built up with Russia? He had finally found someone who genuinely cared for him (even if it was the last country he would've expected), so he was worried about what would happen if he confessed to Russia but his feelings weren't returned.

Instead, he would continue to drop subtle clues (and other not-so-subtle ones) and pray that Russia understood.

Now, as America and Russia sat in the living room together, America couldn't help but stare. He felt like he rarely got to appreciate the small details in the Russian's appearance, though every aspect of him was perfect to America.

He realized he had no excuse this time, seeing as he was just blatantly staring.

Clearly, Russia also felt the need to point this out. "You're staring." He noted matter-of-factly, not looking up from his book.

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