Chapter 44: Realization at long last

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I don't believe in coincidences

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I don't believe in coincidences

Also, thank you all for your kind messages and support! Even a small message means so much, and I am extremely grateful for all of you!

It's good to be humbled sometimes, so thank you to all of the people sending rude messages as well I guess

And once again, you may need to mentally prepare for this chapter. In a good way, though, I hope.


-*Russia's POV*-

After France had gotten back, USSR decided that it was time for him to go sit back down.

Before he left, though, he shot one final warning glare at UK. Then, he nodded a quick yet polite farewell to France, which she enthusiastically returned.

Not knowing what else to say, Russia just muttered something awkwardly and sat down at the nearest table. Out of the corner of his eye, Russia saw France motion for America to join him, a mysterious smile on her face.

Eventually, America decided to join Russia while Canada, UK, and France walked towards a different table.

The two looked up at the stage, which was currently being occupied by the Visegrád four. Poland, Hungary, Czechia, and Slovakia were all doing some random song together, each singing in their own language when it was their turn with the mic.

It was actually quite interesting how they had managed to coordinate it, and the fact that they were alternating languages made it all the more entertaining to watch, even if America couldn't quite understand what they were saying.

Nevertheless, EU glared at Poland and Hungary the entire time, noticing their constant attempts to get as close as possible to each other. After Poland had finished his turn with the microphone, he tossed it halfway across the stage to Hungary, smirking as he saw a look of horror appear on EU's face.

They both snickered and looked at each other mischievously. Then, they both nodded as if having silently decided to give EU even more of a heart attack.

Hungary tossed the microphone back to Poland and opened his hands invitingly.

Poland smiled slightly and bounded towards him, jumping into his outstretched arms. Hungary put his hands on Poland's hips and lifted him up into the air, making Poland look almost as if he were laying down on his belly in mid-air, still holding the microphone.

Then, as the song ended, he flipped EU off with his free hand.

Once they had finished, there was a moment of silence before the room exploded into cheers.

Although not everybody was ecstatic about Poland flipping EU off at the end, nobody could disagree that what they had just done had taken serious talent and coordination.

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