~Forever gone~

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Hi everyone, I just like the characters Yelena and Kate and wanted to make a story about them. We'll see how that's gonna go. English is not my first language, which you'll probably notice while reading, feel free to correct me. And now: have fun with the first chapter. ~A.

After the fight with Clint, Yelena Belova headed back to her temporary home, it was an old rusty hotelroom. In the middle of the room was a big comfy double bed, the only useful item in her opinion in there. To the left was a small window which showed the lovely view of the wall from the house next to the hotel. She didn't mind, she was used to live in much more terrible conditions, given the fact that not to long ago her so called home was the Red Room.
Exhausted she let her limp body flop on the warm, soft duvet.

The expression in her eyes was unreadable. The petite figure stared wordlessly at the ceiling. Everything that happened today, from the bizarre encounter with the rather young and annoying Kate Bishop to the actual reason of why she had come to New York in the first place, meeting the so-called "Avenger" Clint Barton.

She didn't know exactly why, but she didn't like this word, Avenger, the immediate sanctification and downright veneration of the people who call themselves Avengers.

Not that she didn't admire and respect them because of the fact that they had protected lots of people and acted from good motives, no, she just didn't think the concept of heroes was that normal.. she didn't quite know anymore what she should believe and think. Maybe she was wrong...

After confronting Clint about the assumption that he had killed her sister, it turned out Natasha had told him about her, their childhood together in Ohio and their secret whistle, which they always held secretive - even their foster parents didn't know about that.

Even if he had something else to do with her death, Yelena knew her sister trusted him, which she would only have done if she had considered him a good friend. And Yelena would never want to hurt her, even after she's gone.

Though she had worked so long to find out what happened to her sister, find who was responsible and hold him accountable, it turned out there might not have been anyone, or at most Thanos.

On one hand, she was glad to know that she didn't die in a long battle with someone who might have tormented her. On the other hand, she was hurt by the thought out of all people, she made the decision to do so. To sacrifice her life for everyone else, it wasn't fair. Why her?

She hadn't seen her sister for a full 20 years and finally when they were back together they chased after Dreykov. Not many opportunities for sibling bonding time.

To be honest, she didn't even know exactly how Natasha thought about her, whether she liked her and wanted to spend time with her. After all, she had her new family, the Avengers.

She still remembered when one of the Widows who they had freed from the mind control asked about how Natasha was doing.
At that moment, she paused and slowly realized how little contact they had after the breakup in Russia. She hadn't even had her phone number. All she could do was guessing and hoping she was okay.

And now?
Now she was gone, forever.
How could that have happened...

A feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness spread through her. It was like someone had turned off the light, and the darkness slowly reached and enveloped every corner of her body.

She got teary-eyed and without her noticing, a few hot tears rolled down her cheeks and dropped on her pillow. With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes tight and not long after, she fell asleep.

A/N: I'm not exactly pleased with the first chapter, I realized it is much harder to write than I thought it was, oops. Respect to all amazing writers out there. Anyways I hope it was okay for you to read. Bye have a nice day/night👋

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