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But since it was getting very late, she decided to wait until the next morning to text her friend Clint Barton.

When her alarm clock rang a few hours later, she was already awake, eating her breakfast. She decided now would be an appropriate time to text someone.

K: 'Hey, can I call you later this day?'

C: woah, Kate... did you look at the time?

K: what? It's already 7.10 am

C: ...

K: ups sry, forgot about the time difference 😅but since your up, is it okay?

C: 😑Okay...

And Kate, JFYI, even 7.10 is still too early!

K: Okay, okay I won't disturb you any longer, you can return to your beauty sleep 😴 👋

C: 🏹😵


C: You do realize that your emoji is a woman, so your dissing yourself now?😂
anyway I'm gonna head back to sleep, don't wanna end up looking like you🥴

K: 😯🥲

She put the phone down and started making her bed on the couch. Her attention shifted to the bedroom door as it slowly opened.

'Already awake?'

'Just going to the bathroom.'

The obviously still sleepy person said and shuffled in the direction of the bathroom.

Kate watched her leave and then continued, folding her blanket.
She didn't know how to deal with Yelena now, whether to try to talk about yesterday, but she had decided to wait and see whether Yelena wanted to bring it up herself or not, she didn't want to pressure her into talking or make her uncomfortable.

'Hey, I just wanted to say, Im going out at 11, so if you need something... just call me okay?'
Kate told her after she came out.

Yelena looked at the floor, avoiding eyecontact with her.

'Yeah, no problem.'

She replied uninterested and then disappeared back into the bedroom.

At 11 o'clock Kate made her way out of the apartment to get some groceries, at the same time wanting to use that opportunity to make the planed call with Clint.

'Hey Clint!'


'How are you and the Kids? And Laura of course, I meant how are you two and the kids?'

'We're good, we're really good, except the early textmessage I got today'

'Haha, who could that have been?'

'So, what did you want to tell me?'

'I wanted to ask you something, something about Natasha.'

'...' The line was quite on the other side.

'I know it's hard to talk about her but...'

'What do you want to know, I'll see if I can help you.'

'Thank you. Well... what do you know about her past, did she and her sister lived a relativ normal live or, you know something traumatizing?'

'Why do you want to know that Kate?'

'... Im just asking for a friend.'

'...okay, than just give me that friends phone number. I'll talk to them directly. '

The Black Hawk | Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop StoryWhere stories live. Discover now