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Yelena once again slept I the car because she still didn't had a key to get in the apartment and she didn't want to wake Kate in the middle of the night. At 9 o'clock the next day, she decided it would be an appropriate time to finally ring the bell.

As Yelena went up the staircase she thought about her response if Kate would ask her about her whereabouts last night, but fortunately Kate chose to keep quite and live on like any normal day.

During the day, Yelena noticed a scratchy throat that bothered her constantly. She was also very tired and any exertion, no matter how small, made her weak and she had to sit down.

She concluded it had something to do with yesterday's fight and the uncomfortable sleep she got in her car, so she carried on as before.

However, contrary to her expectations, the symptoms did not subside in the following days, they only got worse and she also developed an annoying cough and runny nose.


Angry, Yelena threw what felt like the 100th handkerchief into the trash can next to the kitchen door and sighed, today the 15 km/ 9.3 mi run was on her training plan and a runny nose was what she really didn't need.
When she picked up her gym clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Kate stopped her with a wave of her hand.

'Hey, do you really want to run today?
I heard you costantly coughing the last two day and your nose is running like crazy.'

'It's nothing, I probably just have a allergic reaction to something blooming at this time. I feel fine. '

Kate gave Yelena a questioning look.

'Don't worry about me, rather about you and your sports habits. You probably wouldn't even manage 1 km/ 0.6 mi without ending up in the ER.'

'Hey, you don't know that, I was always top of the class in school!'

'I want to see that.'

'Sure, how about I come with you.'

'Ah no thanks, I actually want to do the 15 km/ 9.3 mi and not take a break every 500 m/ 0.3 mi.'

'Because I would run so fast that you would have to take breaks every 500 m/0.3 mi and you can take your time by yourself, yeah I can understand that.'

Kate laughed and threw a bottle of water in Yelenas direction.

'There, for you, or are you that good that your doing the dehydration-version of the run?'

To Kate's surprise Yelena just smiled and didn't say anything else in response.

'Be back in 1h.'


Even though it was more difficult, Yelena eventually managed to run the 15 km/ 9.3 mi, it didn't even take much longer than usual.

Completely out of breath and with a terrible stomach ache, Yelena reached her home again.
As soon as she was upstairs, she planned a warm shower and then she would immediately throw herself on the couch.

'Wow you really did the 15/9.3, I'm impressed. ' Kate said as Yelena sat down on the couch with her.

'Mhm...' Yelena couldn't focus, the stomach ache still hadn't gone away and her innards seemed to be spinning. She just felt immensely uncomfortable and couldn't sit still.

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