~Bad memories~

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When Yelena woke up, she was confused, the TV that had just been on was off and Kate was nowhere to be seen. Slowly she removed the blanket that Kate obviously must have draped over her and took a sip of water from her glass.

Afterwards, she went through the apartment to look for Kate but she wasn't there. Meanwhile her eyes fell on the kitchen clock, she had slept for 2 whole hours!
How could she be so careless and fall asleep completely unprotected in front of her target.
Although Kate really didn't look like a big threat to Yelena, she knew never to be careless. Carelessness only leads to a fast death.

She decided to find out where exactly Kate was anyway. She hadn't mentioned anything and maybe she had been gone since she fell asleep, which would be quite a long time.

She went out of the house to check the neighborhood, just as she wanted to turn around and go back she heard cries for help, to be specific, Kate's cries for help.
Yelena reacted quickly and ran in the direction of the screams.
Luckily she was a fast runner and arrived there after a few seconds.

She saw two men standing around a young woman, one strangling the woman and the other holding a gun. She immediately recognized that the young woman was in fact Kate and ran at full speed towards the three people.

With her right foot she quickly kicked the gun out of the hands of the one man. Then she shoved her knee into his stomach, grabbed one of his arms and with a smooth movement slid her legs under his, resulting in him falling right on his face, grunting in pain.
The man who previously held Kate by her neck had released his grip to fight off the sudden attack.

Yelena hadn't had to do much, as soon as the man looked into her face he didn't attack her anymore, the only movements he did where to defend himself.

'What's wrong with you? Are you too scared to attack?' Yelena tried to get the man to do a bold movement, which she then would use to bring him down.

To her surprise the man answered her im a calm voice and in her native language:

'We're on the same team here.'

'No we are not!' she replied in Russian.

The next second the two men ran to their van and Yelena watched in confusion as they quickly drove off into the distance until they couldn't be seen anymore.

Quick she turned her head in the direction of the woman on the street.
With few steps she stood beside Kate, she could see that she wasn't feeling good at all.

She bend down to her level and started shaking her by the shoulders.

'Kate. Hey.' She slightly tapped her on the cheeks to keep her from slipping into unconsciousness.

'Hey, stay with me.'

Kate didn't show any reaction and Yelena could watch her eyes slowly rolling back as Kate passed out.

'Shit,' Yelena cursed to herself in russian.

She proceeded bending over Kate to check her breathing, it would be really laughable if she died on her watch. And in addition to that, she haven't had the opportunity to pay back the 6 dollars for the pizza, therefore she wasn't allowed to die just yet.

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