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When Yelena walked through the door to Valentina's room, she saw the woman sitting on the desk writing something.

"Hi Valentina."

The woman glanced up from her work, and than turned back to it without a word.

"Not even a greeting for me?"

"Agent Belova, what brings you here?
I don't got any time for you unless you are accompanied by someone called Kate Bishop."

"I got some questions."

"Did you forget there are rules here?"

"I feel that as a member of a 'good organization', as you call yourself, I have an obligation to be informed of the fundamentals of my mission."

"The fundamentals? The fundamentas are the information to get this Bishop kid here, why would you need more?"

Yelena paused, wondering what her next move would be, should she bring the information about the Avengers? Before she knew it, two soldiers entered the room, called by Valentina, who obviously didn't enjoy her presence.

When the soldiers were about to grab her to escort her out of the room, Yelena kicked one of them with full force in the shins and then in the stomach, sending the other with a kick to the opposite wall, after which they both lay on the floor, grunting and cursing.
Looking back at Valentina, she finally addressed the Avengers.

"The avengers aren't bad, why do you want to kill em?"

"You shouldn't assume things I doesn't suit you."

"Okay then explain it to me."

The soldiers were now back on their feet to make a second attempt to escort the unwelcome person out of the room. But Valentina stopped them and gestured for them to leave the room.
Once they were alone in the room again, she stood up and took off her glasses as she approached Yelena.

"You know the story about the Sokovia Accords.
They are to dangerous, wherever they go... death follows. Just remember you sister, she was an avengers wasn't she, and where is she now?"

Yelena got furious, not wanting to let Natasha's name, and in this case the Avengers aswell, to be dragged through the mud.

"My sister Sacrificed herself for her friends, her family, half of the world. And I'm sure every other avengers would have done the same."

"Well sadly what you think of isn't gonna be considered."

"What do you want to do to her?"

"Why do you care so much? Huh?...
It's just a misson, like any other."

"It's a person."

Valentina scrutinized the person.

"You never cared once after you joined... what happened?"

"Nothing happened. Im just asking you a simple question about the mission. And that shouldn't be so hard for you to answer. "

The woman didn't answer and just stared at her with a prompt look.

"Why did you send me after Clint in the first place, you could easily send someone who already worked for you for a long period of time, where you could be sure it would all work without a single problem."

"I know what happened... That Kate Bishop got in your mind, you got soft, just by seeing some little girl cry in front of you."

Yelena clenched her teeth.

"You know I've got my orders too. And the boss wanted you to do it, he said you were the "perfect most capable person" for that mission and I never shared his opinion.
I am starting to think that I was right.
... Deal with Kate Bishop... or we will have to do it. And I'm afraid it will be a lot less caring."

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