~Where is she~

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She's Human don't worry. "
A male voice sounded from the doorway of the room. Immediately the guns trained on him.

He raised his hands after laying his bow on the ground.

"I'm Clint? Clint Barton? Hawkeye?... really nothing?"

"Hawkeye?" The police officers looked at him.in confusion.

"Avenger... I was with the Av-"
He said, suddenly being interrupted by the furious Yelena.

"What did you do to me?!"

A firm grasp took him by the collar and pushed him against the doorframe behind him.

"I saved you from doing something real stupid. Well technically Tony did."

"What is this? Why can't nobody touch me?"

"I wish I could give you the answer but unfortunately I am no genius like the inventor."

"Don't play jokes with me!"

"I'll pass after an hour, that's all the information he told me, sorry."

Yelena shot him an angry look and picked up her gun placed it back into the holster under her dark grey sweater.

"I came here because of Kate. Is she okay?"

"I don't know."

"What does that mean you don't know?"

Yelena shook her head in frustration.

"Someone took her..."


He went through every room in the apartment but she was really nowhere to find.

"Where's her bow?"

Yelena glanced at him with a confused look.

"Why is that of interest now?"

He didn't answer Yelenas question, instead turned towards oneof the officers in the room.

"Yes Mr. Barton, we indeed found some bow but we'll have to take it with us to the police station because of evidence I believe you will understand."


Clint Mumbled under his breath but still loud enough to be audible to the people around him, earning a slight confused glance of the officer in front of him.

"Excuse me what?"

"No, no it's fine take it. I meant something else. "

Clint looked around the room than turned and walked towards the door. Yelena quickly followed behind.

"Where are you going?"

"What do you think? I'm gonna save my friend. "

"You cannot do it alone."

"How do you know what I can do?"

"What's up with the bow?"

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe you are excellent at saving Kate but you're acting skills are horrible. 'It was something else' come on... what's up with that bow?"

"And what makes you think I'll tell you that?"

"Because I'll be your best shot at saving Kate."

"Yeah... Goodbye. "

Clint started to walk away again. And Yelena would quick to hold him back.

"Hey, stop..." She paused.

"I wanna save her too you know, I could really help you... I wanna help you."

Clint looked deep into her eyes as if he could possibly read her intentions, was it the truth, did she really want to save Kate, is she on his side or is this a trap?

He decided to test her on the only thing he felt he could really rely on.

"If you do swear on Natasha. "

Yelena stopped for a moment and he didn't know whether she was angry or maybe sad, maybe even felt nothing at all but he knew the second he met her on the ice rink he knew she really cared for Natasha.

Even if she was a Black Widow she didn't just try to kill him because of her assignment, she did it because of hate towards him. Hate because she thought he murdered her sister. And that hate came from love towards Natasha her sister.

"I swear."

"Okay. Then come with me."

The Black Hawk | Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop StoryWhere stories live. Discover now