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For the sake of Kate Yelena and Clint formed quite a good team, even Yelena was surprised.

They spend their day from the first moments after they woke up searching for their friend until the sun slowly disappeared and the moon began to rise to light up the streets of New York in a faint touch.

A day turned into 2 of 2, weeks turned into months, so it had been 3 months since Kate's disappearance.
It was late, already 11pm, when a cozy yellow light illuminated the interior of a room in a nice apartment. On
the desk in front of the window lay scattered documents on the light brown wood of the desk.

Yelena sat at the table, her arms propped on the table and her head resting on her clasped hands.
A loud, desperate sigh filled the stillness of the room.
She jumped a little when she heard a knock.

"Come in"
Clint stepped through the already open door and approached the table where Yelena was sitting.

"How are you?"

Yelena just shook her head and turned her gaze out of the window into the darkness and the numerous little lights of the night.

"It's impossible. How can't I find her? I...  I don't get it."

She cleared her throat and then stood up abruptly, her step quick and determined toward the door.

Clint leaned over the table where Yelena had just looked in vain for a clue to Kate's whereabouts.

He let out a short, exhausted sigh as he neatly sorted the many documents and pictures and pushed them to the side of the table.

Then he turned his gaze into the darkness of the night, which was only partially broken by many small lights.
He missed Kate too, although she was often a bit annoying, he thought back to the time he'd spent with her and his family.

He couldn't take it if something bad happened to her too.
"Oh Kate, where are you?" He said softly to himself, as if a voice could appear and tell him.

After a moment of silence and thought, he picked up his cell phone and punched in a number.

"Hey Clint. How are you?"

"Hey, could be better actually. One of my friends are in trouble and I think I need the help of you."

"Okay? Of course tell me all about it."

"Thanks Sam."


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