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Yelena woke up trembling. Unluckily for her, the room she stayed in had no heating, at least none that worked. Half awake, she groped for her cell phone, which she had left on the dresser next to her bed right before sleeping.

Her alarm clock was supposed to wake her up at 6 o'clock sharp, either she had slept through it out of complete exhaustion or it was still much too early for Yelena Belova to even think about getting up.

Her fingers slid from one corner of the small shelf to another, but no matter how hard she tried, her phone was nowhere to find. Just as she wanted to get up annoyed to turn on the light, her hands felt something unknown.
It was a hard object, probably plastic or metal, with something on the sides similar to a hinge on a door, only smaller.
As she continued to examine the item, a cool smooth surface met with her warm fingers, probably glass... a pair of glasses! She had just found a pair of glasses on her dresser.
She was awake in a flash, every trace of tiredness still in her disappeared immediately.

Her heart started pounding in her chest and her hands started to sweat.
Without making a single sound, she quickly sat up straight.
Someone else must have been in her apartment because she didn't wear glasses.

Was the person still here?
What had he or she wanted?

She was aware that she couldn't act rashly now. If the person was still at her place, they shouldn't know that she was awake.
That, among many other things, was burned into her memory from her training in the Red Room, and she mastered the methods as if she hadn't done anything else in her life, which, soberingly enough, was almost the truth.

She sat quietly just like that for a few minutes, listening into the darkness so that if she heard any suspicious noises, she would have clues as to exactly where the person was in the room. Then she could easily plan an attack with the useful element of surprise, which she honestly didn't really need, she wasn't called a Black Widow for nothing. Things like that she had done a dozen times.

Slowly, her hand reached for the gun under her pillow. She always had a weapon close by, it was a habit she formed in her past and as it turned out, it paid off right now.
She stopped breathing for a moment when she realized it was not in its place as well.

So the mysterious person must have been really close to her face and took it away along with her phone. If their intention was to kill her, then they surly would have used the opportunity and she wouldn't be thinking about that right now, would she?
But did she really sleep so soundly that she didn't even notice someone rummaging under her pillow?
She didn't quite know what exactly it was, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was going on.

Whatever it was, now was not the time to brainstorm about it. She had to get up and find it out herself. Carefully, she climbed out if her bed. As the coldness of the floor made contact with her bare feet, it made her whole body shiver for a second.

Not long after that, the assassin heard footsteps, the clacking sound of what she assumed to be a pair of high heels.

Yelena immediately got into her fighting position, her feet planted firmly on the ground, her hands formed fists wich she placed in front of her and with her arms she shielded her head. If she died today, she wouldn't go down without a fight.

She carefully counted the steps in her head until they suddenly stopped.


She could hear the squeaking of the door when it was opened. The next second, something clicked and the room brightened quickly. With squinted eyes, she scanned her surroundings.
Shocked, she inhaled sharply...

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