~Black Hawk~

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After she returned to New York, she went straight to her new apartment she had rented before she arrived in New York, because her old one was burned down a month ago.
She was unpacking when she found something in one pocket of her suit. It was a two sided paper.
Curious, she unfolded the letter and began to read.


Hi Kate. You're probably wondering what this has to do in your suit.
Oh, I really hope you found it and you didn't just toss the suit in the next best corner and letting it rot there.

'Well that is rude. I would never do that,' she stated.

If you did find it, my apologies.
No, what I wanted to tell you was, because you are an "Avenger" now I searched the last few days for a fitting name for you.
You know, so you don't have to deal with "the branding issue".
On the back page, you'll find the name and a description about the animal I picked.
I think it sounds great and suits you.
Your mentor


'Okay, let's see, Hawkeye. This better be good.' Excited, she turned the paper over. The first thing she saw were the underlined words "Black Hawk" and photo of the animal.
Right below, there was a description and she could see a few things highlighted with a neon marker.


What is a common black hawk's habitat?

...sometimes spotted sitting and relaxing on the ground. They are also spotted in the inland residential areas but in low numbers...

How cute are they?

...This bird is less on the cute side and more on the scary side. If a person looks at this bird, it would appear as if it is frowning...

How do they communicate?

...A common black hawk bird has a distinct piping call which is something like 'spink speenk speenk spink'...What is unusual about hawks is that they somewhat scream to communicate with others of their clan...

What do they eat?

...A common black hawk has a total carnivore diet, which mostly consists of crustaceans like ...burgers...

Are they dangerous?

... at time it is advisable to maintain a distance from these birds...

And, what do you think? It suits you, doesn't it? :)
I can almost see your face right now haha. I'm sorry

Kate grabbed her phone and began texting the person she had received the letter from.


K: Ha, wow Hawkear. You discovered your funny side. Didn't think this was possible. Learned from the best.

C: What's up black hawk? So you did find it. Good job👍

K: You're lucky I'm not there right now, or I'd take your head as a target.

C: You didn't even hit the apple, I'm sure I'd be just fine.

Btw you told me yesterday you have a new apartment, how is it?

K: We could try that out next time😆
Yes, it is great. Much bigger than the last one and huge advantage: no burned smell.

C: can imagine that. And did you find a job?

K: no unfortunately not yet. I found a few suitable jobs in today's paper though, I'll look through them later.

C: ok👍 but if you ever need something you are welcome to come back to us anytime, the children would be happy too.

K: Thank you, will definitely be back soon!

While she was still typing and without Kate noticing, a person approached her from behind.

The young woman winced as a hand suddenly grabbed her shoulder.

The Black Hawk | Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop StoryWhere stories live. Discover now