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"Mr D.?"

"What!? I said I don't want to be disturbed!"

He quickly pulled up his pants and Valentina caught a glimpse at the monitor, apparently it was the footage from last night.

"I'm sorry sir, but I have an important message for you."

"And that couldn't wait a few minutes?"

"No unfortunately not."

The man let out an annoyed breath and took a seat a the big table in the room.

"Okay, then, please."

He signaled her to start explaining.

"Sir I know your very found of Miss Belova..."

He shot her a angry look.

"I thought I made me very clear to not talk about her."

"Yes, I know sir."

"But still you choose to do that? Disorbay my orders? You should know what that means here?"

"Yes. But I'm happy to face any consequences that may arise, because I think you have the right to know the truth about Yelena Belova."

"Don't put her name in your mouth!"

His fist slammed loudly on the table, making the woman flinch at the sudden noice.

"Why do care so much?"

He got up and walked towards her.

"So, you think thats one of your business?"

"The person you love... that's not her! Don't get blinded just because she lookes like her!"

The man punched in the woman's abdomen and watched her crumble to the ground in pain.

"Don't you ever yell at me!"

"She is not what you think she is."


He looked down smiling at the woman lying on the floor holding her stomach tight.

"And, what is she in your opinion?"

"She is a traitor."

He clenched his fist, barely restraining himself not to beat the woman to death right then and there.

"She is a traitor from the Red Room, she killed your father and together with the avenger Natasha Romanoff she brought down the Red Room he had build."

"Your lying!"

The man grabbed the arms of the woman in a tight grasp, forcing her to sit up.

"Last year she was assigned to kill the Avenger Clint Barton... she didn't do it. She isn't your Yelena... she is a danger to you, to the whole organization!"

The man turned away from Valentina and walked to the window on the other side of the room.

After a few second of silence he grabbed a gun that was positioned on a board next to the window and walked back to the woman who was still sitting on the ground.

"Get up."

He demanded the woman.

He then pointed the gun at Valentina head.

"Why should I belive you?"

The woman slowly took out a USB stick and held out it towards the man.

"You don't belive me... you belive the evidence."

His eyes hesitated for a moment before they fell on the small grey USB in the woman's hand.

He took it and placed it on the table aside with the gun.
Then he pressed a button and two guards entered the room.

He briefly looked at Valentina then at the guards.

'Take this woman to a cell, keep her looked up until in say otherwise.
Don't give her any food or drink until I say so, don't let her sleep until I say so. Do you get that!"

"Yes, of course."

They rushed towards the woman in the middle of the room and dragged her out if the room.

Not short after they closed the door he opened the stick to see if anything she said was actually true.

"Oh sweetheart (russian), don't disappoint me."

His eyes widened as he looked at the display. The man turned into wild range as he grabbed the computer and tossed it through the room.

He repeatedly kicked the table and breathed in angrily.

"Oh you just wait!"

The Black Hawk | Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop StoryWhere stories live. Discover now