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Kate quickly wiped a few tears from her face and greeted her.


'You okay?'

Kate just nodded.

'What are you doing here, I thought you're doing your assassins stuff.'

'Well all deadly pills are already planted in the teas and coffees of the assigned people, so I figured why not come find you.'

Kate let out a small chuckle.
'Then I hope you didn't brought me a coffee.'

'Ah your a coffee person, noted.' Yelena made hand gestures as if she would note something down in the air.

Kates face suddenly got serious again, when she started to talk.

'I know it was right desicion but... but it just feels like I shouldn't have done it anyway.
If she dies...' Kate swallowed and a tear rolled down her face.
'I'll never forgive myself.'

'She won't.'

Yelena looked at the floor, immediately regretting the spoken words. That wasn't exactly something she could promise, especially she shouldn't, because this woman in front of her wasn't in need for her encouragement or pity, she wasn't her friend.
She was her mission and she mustn't confuse it.

Yes, building up trust could make it easier for her to fulfill the assignment, but she didn't want to hurt Kate too deeply either.
If they did develop a real friendship it would not only hurt Kate in the end but probably herself too. Therefore she couldn't let that happen.

To be honest she didn't even know what she was doing there.
On her run this morning Yelena had decided out if the blue she wanted to know what person Kate exactly was, that she didn't want to be the same killer the Red Room had made her, without thinking and just following orders.

She wanted information, and the best way to do so is to do spend time with them. Get them to trust you. So she ended up in the hospital with Kate.

'... You were right..' Yelena broke the silence that had just arisen.

'About what...'

'I didn't kill Clint because you were right, he is good.'
Yelena looked in Kate's direction.

Kate nodded with a smile.

'I'm glad I were right.'

Yelena hesitated a moment before she spoke again.

'And you're good as well... you did the right thing... Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself.'

Kate looked up in surprise.

'Didn't know you're gave motivational speeches.'

'I mean if it works, it works... does it work?

Kate let out a laugh,

'Yeah thanks.'

'Ehm.' Yelena got up from her seat.

'I actually have an appointment to go to, so I have to go now.'

'Ah okay, I'll think I'll stay here little longer.'

Yelena nodded , 'Bye than, see you later.'

'Bye, and thank you... for coming.
Do you want some sweets by any chance, I took them with me to have a small snack while being here, but I'm not exactly hungry anymore, so...'

Kate lied, because she didn't want to sound pathetic, she didn't want Yelena's pity, she just wanted them gone, they reminded her of the incident that she just wanted to forget as soon as possible.
Maybe that was silly and childish, but if Yelena didn't take them, she was determined to throw them away, she shouldn't have come here anyway.

But Yelena took them.
Kate could even see a smile on her face as she walked away from her.

A/N: I don't know how to feel about that chapter🤷‍♂️ idk but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Have a nice day/night 👋

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