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Entering the apartment, Yelena wished Kate weren't home and didn't have to break the depressing news to her. But Kate was on the stove cooking something.
Kate saw Yelena and immediately started chatting about her day.

'Oh hi Yelena! My day was perfect, literally perfect. Every job that was assigned to me at Starbucks I did brilliantly, not like I expected anything else, but like... crazy! And guess what? I got the job!'


Yelena told her with a smile on her face that forced happiness into her voice

'Yes, I even found my bracelet that I thought you took, remember? It was in a pocket of the jacket.'

'When did you come home?'

Yelena took a seat on the kitchen table.

'I came back... 3 hours ago. Where did you go?'

Yelena's mind was racing, she was aware that telling it her now wasn't a very good idea, Kate was having a lucky day and the terrible news would ruin everything. So she decided to put up a front and make up a story.

'I went to the new sporting goods store to see if I could buy new trainers but couldn't find any that fit.'

Kate lifted the pot from the stove onto a pad on the table and sat down with Yelena.

Kate placed a portion of spaghetti on each plate and began to eat. Yelena had absolutely no desire to eat, but was used to forcing herself even when her body refused to willingly eat the food in front of her. After accidentally trying Kate's food a few times, she threw out the rule of not eating the cookings of the targets.

So she took a fork of spaghetti and put it in her mouth.
Yelena focused at the food in front of her, avoiding unnecessary eyecontact with Kate.
After a few seconds filled with complete silence Kate began speaking.

'What really happened?'

Yelena was getting a little nervous about the fact that Kate must have felt some uneasiness in her answer just then. How did she know? But she decided to stick with it.

'I told you sports shop, nothing more.'

'Yelena, the shop isn't open until tomorrow, I saw it on my way to work... So, what happened?'

Yelena was frustrated that she couldn't even use her abilities when she needed them to function properly. How could she be so careless and not remember that Kate literally walked right by the store this morning.
She probably didn't have a chance to avoid telling it her now.


'I... I visited you mom in prison today.'

'What? Why?'

'I wanted to get more information about my assignment to kill Clint.'

'Okay, and?'

'When I was talking to her, she suddenly wasn't feeling well and somehow couldn't breath anymore...'

Kate just stayed silent starring at Yelena.

'She... they tried everything Kate.'

'What? What does that mean?'

Kate stood up from her seat as Yelena just starred down at the table, not wanting to actually tell her the exact words.

'Yelena! Tell me, what does this mean?'

'I am so sorry Kate.'

Yelena told her with true sincerity in her voice.

'No, no that's not true. You are lying. You are lying to me.'

She yelled, tears forming in her eyes.

'You are joking, right?'

Yelena didn't say anything, she couldn't say anything, instead she just stared at the ground.

The tears in Kate's eyes began streaming out, wetting every inch of her cheek.
Kate sunk to the floor crying, her hands covering her teary red eyes.

'I couldn't even say goodbye.'

She sobbed her voice breaking the middle of the sentence.
...I couldn't even say goodbye...

Yelena repeated the sentence in her mind.

'This isn't fair.'
...This isn't fair...

'Please no.'
...Please no...

It was as if Yelena was being controlled by another person as she suddrnly wrapped her arms around the crying person.

The physical contact was something unusual for Yelena.
The last time someone hugged her was the most precious hug she had ever received and she wished she could go back in time and experience it again - Natasha's hug.

At that moment, overwhelmed by the memories, she realized that tears were running down her cheeks as well. The two women embraced and let the warmth of their bodies comfort and envelop them.

They just sat there and let out what they both, especially Yelena, had long suppressed, feelings.
Feelings that were mostly uncomfortable where you would rather withdraw and solve alone in the dark.

But today, they both felt the same feelings and could feel the pain of the other in connection with their own problems and experiences in their own bodies.
They cried not only for themselves but also for the other person.

'I'm sorry... '

Yelena whispered.
And Kate hesitantly answered with a strained voice.

'Me too...'

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