chapter 3

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"Captain, we have a problem! My readings have become erratic! Our targets have begun to scatter! We need to act," Sabrina urged.
"Not yet. We need to wait until the storm has calmed before moving," Captain Mercea placated. He paced slowly back and forth in front of his chair, his gaze distant.
Sabrina's own gaze narrowed. She knew from experience that when his eyes were even the slightest bit distant, he was contemplating over many different strategies in his mind. It had been years since she first figured that out. It's how she became his adviser. Sabrina pulled away from her station, closing the distance between her and the captain. "What strategies do you have in mind?"
He stopped his pacing and huffed softly. "I hate when you know I'm planning."
"Do you forget the reason I have my position?'
"No, I haven't forgotten." He paused for a brief moment, thinking. "I'm thinking that they don't get too many outsiders here. We are probably one out of a handful that have been here in recent years. My guess is that they won't be too welcoming to us when it comes time for us to land. So we'll have to be prepared for that."
"What about those hiding?" Sabrina asked, clenching her teeth slightly. Part of her yearned to get out there and take care of business. But there was also another, slightly larger, part of her that wanted to see what the captain had in mind. She wanted to see how it played out.
"In time Sabrina, in time. Now, why don't you prepare a small landing party and meet me in the loading bay. We leave in half an hour."

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