Untitled Part 23

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When Red Bear reached the exit, light fluttered into his eyes. With him so in tune to nature, something felt wrong. It seemed like they stood on solid ground, but he could tell that it was all metal.
Yuki observed the others momentarily before looking around. Bright spotlights hit her face. "Where is the ship," she called, not realizing how loud she was with the ringing that was still in her ears. Then she spotted it. In the distance, a large space ship loomed darkly. Just beyond that, in the woods, her eyes noticed movement. The movement was actually caused by multiple people running back and forth before hiding behind bushes and trees. Yuki turned to the tall black haired woman. She had noticed her difference from the rest of the humans in her group.
"Do you seem them?" Yuki asked. "What do we do now?"

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