Untitled Part 29

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Yuki, still semi-conscious, lifted her eyes, seeing the captain's sculptured face set in a grim expression as he said something under his breath and turned to the wall panel next to him. She sat up and pressed her hand to her head to stop the spinning.
"Shinchi," she mumbled, closing her eyes. What felt like a ball of fur wiggled in her lap. Yuki opened her eyes, noticing that the ball of fur was Shinchi.
Shuffling sounded a few feet away as the captain started moving about the cabin before setting his hand on her shoulder.
Mambo sprinted to the small weak point of their aggressors. "Jon, contact her!"
"I can't. She's out cold," he hollered. Mambo muttered something in his native tongue, and Jon could only assume that he was cussing. Jon Paul looked over his shoulder to make sure they still had to crew behind them, only to notice that they'd stopped.
"Are they standing to fight?" Mambo asked over his shoulder.
"I don't know," Jon Paul answered.
Yuki stared blankly, using her minds eye to see who quarreled about, wrecking havoc. What to do, she thought. She felt anger rise in her chest. Things began to shake loose and rattle about in the cabin. With the rattling, she was able to focus her anger towards the aggressors, wishing with what she had that something would happen.
A shiver ran up Red Bear's spine as he felt the air change. Something was happening, he knew.

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