Untitled Part 18

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Sypher simply tilted his head forward and slightly off center so that he could see the people in front of him.
"As I told her," he said indicating the girl with his free hand. "It was not me that shot. That was my captain. I'm simply followed orders to find you after he went down back there." Sypher turned to look behind him for a quick second before looking back. "But please know this... I am no brute. I only wish to know what is going on here... Why my commanding officer was chasing you in the first place... Who the xelrions are... And, why you were running from them in the first place..."
Sabrina stayed just one step ahead of Mercea as they followed the hallway that Sypher had taken when she last saw him. She silently contemplated over what they would do if they found the group they were after. Or what would happen if Sypher had already found them. It was becoming more and more complicated, and yet interesting, as she started seeing a trail of blood. She didn't have to get it close to it for her nose to know it was blood, thankfully.
"We're going the right way," Sabrina stated.
"Good," Mercea acknowledged.

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