Untitled Part 42

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Sabrina growled commands to everyone she passed as she made her way back to the main deck. One of the nurses who had been hot on her heals stumbled slightly before regaining his balance, falling behind a little. "Damnit, keep up," Sabrina order. She pulled her communicator off her belt, flipping it open. It's cheery whistle was quite out of place in the panicked chaos that went on around her. "Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on!"
"We're working on that now ma'am! So far the only thing that has been worked out is that they have some sort of radar jammer on their ship! The signal grew dark just moments before they arrived," Sypher's panicked voice broke through. Another rattling jerk knocked the ship. Sabrina stumbled to catch her footing. "We're doing everything we can!"
Sabrina growled again in frustrated anger. She had to force herself to take slow and even breaths to calm herself to keep from breaking something. "Well try harder! We need to be ready for whatever they throw at us."
"Maybe I should make you captain, since you seem so keen on calling all the shots." Mercea shouted through her communicator before Sypher could finishing uttering the first syllable. "Let me do my job."
"Yes sir," Sabrina ground through her teeth. Controlling her anger was proving harder than she thought. "I'll be up there as soon I possibly can."

Mambo finally spoke up after a long silence, I think I know them; they're the enemy of my people. A long time ago they took some of my kind and did terrible thing-just then there was a loud banging sound and the whole ship went dark and eerie silence fell around them-yuuki when we found there body's it was worse , worse than what happened to us...they were dead and mutilated yuuki. They never leave their captives alive.

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