Untitled Part 38

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Sabrina had just turned down the hallway towards the med bay when the head doctor nearly ran in to 1her. She steadied the doctor and waited until she collected herself mentally.
"Ma'am," she said, surprised at seeing the supervisor. "I was just coming to retrieve you and the captain..."
"The captain won't be joining us. What's the matter?" Sabrina asked sternly. She wondered why the lead doctor of the ship was in such a hurry. And to come get her and the captain no less. The woman should still be caring for those in the medical bay.
The doctor glanced away, her neck turned flush red with embarrassment. "It's the new additions. They seem a bit off. Even with all that I've seen in all my experience, I've never felt so creeped out. I think there's more going on here than what they're telling us."

Sabrina urged her down the hallway and through the doors.
"There's something else..." the doctor began before being cut off.
Sabrina lowered her hand once the head doctor stepped away with a nod. She saw Yuki sitting on the administering table normally used before an x-ray. Striding over to her she held out a hand to the girl. "I know you and I haven't really talked much. I'm Sabrina. I'm the supervisor of the ship. I'm not sure if that's something you already figured out or not, but if there are questions you need answering..."

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