Red Bear, trusting Sabrina and her plan, turned to a tree and set his hands against the rough bark. Giving a loud growl, he began to push with all his might.
"I'll help," Mambo announced, taking a knee and aimed his other at another tree. An explosion sounded from Mambo as a bullet of some sort shot from his knee. The tree came crushing down from the blackened, splintered hole on one side left by the shot.
"Whoa," Red Bear breathed in astonishment. He didn't have mush time to wonder how Mambo did what he did before his own trees finally gave way beneath his hands. Screeching groaning sounds echoed around them as the roots pulled free of the dirt with a snap before breaking under the trees weight. Angry howling reached his ears. Read Bear snapped his head around just as some of the aggressors were getting past Sabrina, sword on a downward arch towards Mambo.
Mambo stumbled to his feet with barely enough time to put his arm up to stop the blade from hitting his chest. To everyone's surprise, he seemed unaffected. He whipped his other hand out, smacking the sword out of the man's hand and knocking him of balance. Mambo curled his fingers into a tight ball and lashed out again, knocking the man to the ground. "That's for trying to take me out when I'm not looking."
Virgo stellar stream
Adventureyuki lost the ability to trust having been kidnapped and foraging an escape plan with a few others like her can they trust this new group of people claiming that they can help her and those like her