Settle Down - The 1975 (Part Two)

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We get back to my house, your hands, my mouth.

You were absolutely infatuated by Cameron's love. You wanted to soak every inch of him up. Some call it obsessive but you refer to it as complete adoration. You were complete putty as you both toyed around with each other, savouring the little details.


What a familiar face.

Eyes locked, lost breath. Tears stained your pale sink as you see the boy who left you stranded for 3 years in confusion. Time seemed to have stopped, your heart had slowed down. Flash backs of the utter heartbreak he had caused you came rushing back. The feelings that you had hidden away masking your hurt, were finally surfacing. You stood there, in the middle of the road as your former best friend left your house. As if you were a stranger he passed you without a second glance black.


But you're losing your words, we're speaking in bodies.

You laughed grabbing Shawn's hand and pulling him up onto the dance floor. Small giggles escaped your lips as he groaned. Your body moved around. A smug smile was placed on his lips as you danced around, not caring what others thought. After minuets of persuading Shawn he finally let loose and joined your joy fair.


lmao 2 updates in 1 day!!1!

haha nah I just have a lot of spare time and inspiration.

- lilyy xx

p.s. should I start a fanfic??

p.p.s. is anyone else having problems with wattpad??

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