#45 Honeymoon Sex

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Matt Espinosa:

After a 16 hour flight, you were finally dragging your suitcase into the beachside villa in the Maldives. "Look at this place!" You beamed, grinning at Matt. "It's so beautiful! Oh my gosh look at the view," you gushed running over the wall of the villa that was made completely out of glass. "Hardly compares to you though," he mumbles, slowly walking up bind you. A breathless gasp escaped and your parted lips as Matt moved his hips to meet your behind. "16 hours is too long without burying myself into you," he whispered into your ear. Your neck arched to the side, giving him room to devour your neck in sweet kisses. A moan escaped your lips. His hands moved to your hips, gripping them firmly. "Should I take you here? In front of this window where anyone could swim by and see us at any moment, or in the bedroom?" Matt's hand snuck around your waist and dipped down the front of your shorts. "Her-here," you gaped out as Matt teased your opening, running his finger down your slit. "I knew you would want that. You like that hey? The rush of adrenaline knowing that anyone could see us?" His free hand tugged at the bottom of your shirt. Your hands made their way down to the hem pulling it off. Matt's eyes went wide. "You're not wearing a bra?" he questioned, his brown eyes clouding darker by the minute. "That's so fucking hot, y/n." He pulled his shorts and boxers off before grabbing a handful of your breast. You moan. The heat between your thighs increasing by the minute. His figures gently passed your nipple making you gasp at the movement. Matt smirked at bit his lip. He flipped you around and got on his knees. His hands made their way to the band of your shorts and pulled them off swiftly. "Fuck you're soaking," he moaned gaping at the wet fabric of your panties. His figures traced the outside. "Take them off," you breathlessly whispered. Without hesitation, he did so. He got back off his knees and pushed you against the window of the villa. Your breasts spread across the window, giving whoever passed a decent view. You felt Matt's length at your entrance. "Fuck you're so good y/n, so so good." He pushed the head of his dick in. An unforgivingly hot moaned rolled off Matt's lip. The sound alone made you feel as though you were orgasming. He teased you a few time, rolling just his tip back and forth. "Matt!" You cried as he finally rocked all the way in. The next 10 minutes you were both in complete euphoria, savouring each moment. He was yours just as much as you were his. The years of loving him left like only months, everything was a whirlwind with him by your side. You were finally wed. You have everything you could ever need and want in the palm of your hand forever.

Hayes Grier:

"Look at the view!" You gapped, grabbing Hayes hand as you both peered out the London Eye. "We must nearly be at the top, look how high we are," he said excitedly. You grinned at him. He looked at you adoringly before placing an innocent kiss on your lips. "You're everything I've ever wanted," you gazed into his eyes, still finding it hard to fathom that he was officially yours. "I'm so so fucking lucky to have you y/n. You know that right?" You nodded before being interrupted by Hayes' hand making heir way to your cheek, cradling it. He crashed his lips onto yours. The passion and love between the action of desire were overwhelming. You lifted yourself and into his lap, straddling him. You ground your hips together, still unable to get enough of him. "I love you so-" he paused, pulling away and kissing your cheek. "-so..." he continued kissing the other one. "so.." kissing your forehead. "Much," he finished kissing the tip of your nose. You blush willfully. "As much as I want to bend you over, and take you right here we are in public," he grinned, "-and I'm pretty sure the cameras in here wouldn't appreciate the show as much as the performers." You laughed and kissed him one last time before getting off his lap. "I married such a gentleman," you teased. Laughter engulfed the lustful air leaving it with only love. You were in heaven.

Shawn Mendes:

"Shawn," you called, glancing out the window of your 5star hotel suite. You bit your lip in hopes that it would pull you out of his heavenly dream. No way this could be real, how could anyone get so lucky? Let alone you! You gazed at the Eiffel Tower that was located within plain sight. The deep night sky accentuated the brights lights that left you in awe. "Come look at this view, it's beautiful." You were in a trance gaping at the beautiful landscape when a strum of a guitar and the angelic words, 'when your legs don't walk like they used to before,' broke you out of it. You bit your lips and turned around. Love was bursting from the walls as your eyes were met with a shirtless Shawn, guitar and rose in hand serenading you. "-and I can't sweep you off of your feet. Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?" You blushed, speechless for words. His head directed you to sit on the bed. Your feet padded over leaving you located at the bottom of the bed. You were awestruck by the view but this was so much more. You were gawking at him, completely drooling over his selfless act. "Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?" His graceful voice filled your ears, leaving you yearning for the next line. "And darling I will be loving you till we're seventy." You were smiling like an idiot. 'I love you so much,' you mouthed at him, he blushed. "And baby, my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three." He sang before placing his guitar down. He slowly moved towards the bed, where you sat, never losing eye contact. His hands grabbed your face pulling you swiftly in for a kiss before moving your body further up the bed to lay down. "And I'm thinking 'bout how," he whispered, his lips gingerly grazing over your own. "People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand." His hands grasped at your own. The pulled them down, leading them to the hem your silk nightdress. You lifted the material over your head, this action left you completely and utterly naked. His figure tips traced your skin, starting at your jawline and leading towards your sex. "Well, me I fall in love with you every single day, and I just wanna tell you I am." He hummed, into your neck. A moan escaped your desperate lips. He feathered peppered kissing down the nape of my neck, sucking softly at your weak spots. My breathing became heavier. Shawn's figures start to rub between your thighs. You opened your legs, giving him more access to the area that needed him so badly. "So wet," he moaned, collecting the moisture and bring them to your lips. You latched onto them, sucking at his figures, a moan escaped from his lips this time. "You're so good y/n. He rolled me on top of his toned body. You didn't do anything for a split second. You took in the sight of the man you loved underneath you. Your hands quickly snapped his boxers down before alining yourself onto of him. He let out a loud hiss as you lowered yourself onto him. "Ugh yes fuck," he moaned, harshly thrusting his length up into you. Screams and moaned erupted into the air, the atmosphere becoming purely euphoric.

well this is it!! the magcon preferences era is finally over after four years!! I first started writing these when I was 13/14 which is completely insane. I really wanted to finish this chapter including all of the boys but unfortunately I just don't have time for that anymore ): here are the few I have done which have been in the works for a while.

In other news I am writing another story called The Posse!! Check that out now on my profile. The first chapter isn't up yet but the introduction to main charters is!! will update this book when the first chapter has uploaded x

thankyou all so much for reading through the years!! xx

love lily x

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