#35 Your favorite quality/feature of him

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Shawn: Of course you loved Shawn's voice. You loved the way he sung to you when you were stuck in bed sick.

Cam: You loved Cam's personality all round. He was so kind towards everyone, no matter what age. The way he spoke to your family made you fall in live with him all over again.

Gilinsky: You would be lying if you said Jack's jaw line wasn't one of the things you loved about him most. You loved how all his features were so prominent to the eye.

Johnson: Jack was such a laugh. You loved how he made a joke out of everything, although he knew boundaries which you liked also.

Nash: It's no secret to the world that Nash is know for his blue eyes, that was one of the thing you most liked aswell. How they changed shade from the bright to a darker blue wherever he changed moods. You found it really hot.

Hayes: You loved Taylors dick. I have nothing else to say.

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