#4 You're a Bet

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"You have to tell her," I pressed my ear closer to the phone.

"Yeah totally. Just go up to her and be like 'yo. Just so you know, me asking you out was a bet.'"

I could basiclly hear Cameron shrugging.

I bit my lip, holding the tears that were already dancing down my cheeks.

"Did you maybe ever have tge slightest feelings for her."

I heard a little sigh.

Don't say it.

Don't you fucking dare.


My finger nails digged into my skin as I let out a small sob.

The line was quite for a moment. I faintly heard a door close.

"So.. now you know,"

I wiped some of the tears off my cheeks.

I paused.

"Umm, Cam could you maybe tell Nash we're over."

I shook my head before ending the call.

And there I go again;

Falling for someone way out of my leauge.


I awoke from my sleeo being greeted with a rea of sun light streming through the curtins.

I replayed last nights events in my head.

I smiled at the memory of Shawn fumbling with a small frame.

"IM GOING, IM GOING, IM GOING HESHER DODODODODODODO." I heard Shawn's angelic voice from the kitchen scream.

I rolled my eyes.

I was just about to get up when Shawns phone vibrated on the side table.

I reahed over the bed and glaced at the screen.

'Did it work?? I swear if you took her V-card you are officially my idol dude. Am I the bet master or am I the bet master.'

My eyes flickered up and down the screen re-reafing the text over and over.

Last night.

A bet?

What about all the things he said to me, he said he wouldn't hurt me.

I sat on the bed for a minuet feeling completely pathetic and used.

I gathered up my clothes, stuffing them on before jumping out the window.

Good bye Shawn Mendes, I hope it was worth it.



So im just going to do Shawn and Nash for this prefrence.

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