#43 Your First Time

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Cameron Dallas:

"You're sure?" He whines, biting his lip in the process. My heart fluttered at the beyond beautiful being I was about to share my most vulnerable moment with. I shyly nodded. He smiled, "I'm so lucky to have you." He breathed out, leaning in closer than kissing me with the utmost passion. This was the moment I had been waiting for. Saving this beyond special moment for after my wedding day made the chemistry between us so much richer. Not only our hearts, but our souls were binned until death do us part. Going through with this act of devotion re-enforces my love for him in a way which I had expressed to no other. "I love you Cam," I whispered. Our eyes met mine blue and his brown. My hands made their way up his strong, toned shoulders and finished at the point where my fingers laced themselves between the thin strands of his light hair. "I love you." His hips rolled forward, in which his tanned flesh finally touched my innocence. The pain was slight, however, was well overtaken by a feeling of closest intimacy. My eyes were unable to move from his face, a sight in which I had yearned to see. Deep moans escaped his lips as his strokes of love became more frequent. "I love you, so, so much." He said. He leaned down and kissed me before I yet had the chance to reply. These actions of delightful assault led him to his high. Louder moans, faster, deeper thrusts and sloppy kisses. I am in paradise.


I smiled looking at my reflection the mirror then bit my lip. The anticipation is quite literally killing me. My attire was a red, one-piece lingerie set, paired with matching suspenders. I grabbed my crimson lipgloss off the marble counter applying one last thin coat to my lips. This colour matches my complexion and outfit impeccably. "Shawn has no idea what's coming for him," I laughed at myself. I briefly fixed my curled hair once more, before putting a spray of Miss Dior perfume on for the final touch. For a girl in which knew little about sex and still had her innocence, I looked too damn good. My nerves had started creeping in at an all-consuming rate. If only I had cranberry vodka on hand to subdue this feeling, maybe then I could be a little more endearing too. Deep breath, here I go. 

I held my breath as I walked out of the master bathroom and into the room in which Shawn laid sprawled out on the bed, guitar in hand. His shirt was off and the only material that appeared to be present were his boxers. The sight of him alone sent me whirling into a word of need and lust. "Shawn," I whispered, words coming out generously more quite and weak than I had intended. Fuck. He didn't hear. I cleared my throat before speaking again. "Shawn," I said again, however, this time with confidence and urgency ringing from my lips. "Wha-" he stopped mid-sentence as his eyes met mine. Shit, I'm nervous. "What are you- what," his eyes went wide. I smiled walking over to the bed slowly, praying to god that I don't look like an idiot. He quickly moves the guitar on his lap and places it beside the bed. After this, he moved his way towards me as well. "Y/n, you look beautiful." I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Don't you mean-," I said, putting one leg on the bed,  then starting to crawl towards him. "-sexy." I licked my lips preparing to make the first move, however, before I comprehend what was happening, Shawn had me flipped on my back kissing me with an overwhelming amount and love and lust. "You look sexy," he repeated. "So fucking sexy." I grinned at his comment. "I want to," I said looking into his eyes. He started at me for a moment as if he was debating something. "Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes playfully. Even dressed like a hooker and practically begging him to have sex with me he still had the decency to ask if I was sure. Although his mouth spoke those words the hard bulge in his pants was saying something entirely different. "Yes... daddy." Shawn eyes immediately clouds over, "what-" he chocked out, "what did you just call me," we both smiled, then burst out laughing. The atmosphere of lust lifted for a second. I broke it again tugging down at Shawn's boxer pants. "Egar huh?" I gave a slight moan in agreement. His lips attached to my neck, sucking softly. My hands finally found their way into his boxers. He sighed in relief and closed his eyes. My hand clasped around his member giving it a few pumps. "Put it in," I said breathlessly. His eyes opened again. He bit his lip before dissuading me of my attire. "I don't know if I like you with or without more," he moans. I pulled his head down to kiss me again. His hand slowly made their way between my thighs. I gasped as he gingerly touched my most sensitive spot. "Mm Shawn," I moaned. "Fuck," he whispered. He quickly lent over to the side table and pulled out a condom. I wonder how long he's had those. He rips the foil packet with his teeth, before sliding the lubricated rubber onto him. I bit my lip, I'm never going to get sick of this site. "Are you ready?" He asks softly. He grabs my face and kisses me. I nod. "I love you so much," he says. "I love you too." His hips move forward and into me. Before I know it my head is buzzing and my toes are curling. I love you, Shawn, I really do. 

a/n: Hope you enjoy babes! I've been re-reading the After series and watching the 50 Shades movie so you could say I was inspired ;) 

Lily xx

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