#39 Who you Date after Them

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Nash: Dylan O'brien.

For months now Nash had been mistreating you, there were new rumours every week about him with other girls, some with video and picture proof his was doing stuff. You had met Dylan back in 2011, on the set of season 1 Teen Wolf, you had a small background character part. You had lost contact for years until you saw him at the premiere of 22 Jump Street. Since then you both tried the best you could to hang out. He was always there for you and gave advice on your relationship with Nash. After a huge fight one night, when Nash had admitted to cheating on you several times you left him. After about 3 months of being single after that you and Dylan became official ❤️

Gilinsky: You love Gilinsky so you never break up.

Hayes: Brooklyn Beckham.

You had met Brooklyn through Hayes actually. You both hit it off really well. After a while of hanging out with him you realised you actually kind of liked him. You quickly broke it off with Hayes before it got any further, as you had no intention of cheating on him.

Johnson: Nick Robinson.

Ever since you first saw Nick in the film Kings of Summer, it was no secret you had a huge crush on his character. When Johnson was invited to the 5th Wave premier there was no way he would go without you. There you met Nick, you got talking about acting and your boyfriend, Jack, and how proud of his susses you were.
After about another year of dating Jack you guys broke up, although it ended on a happy note. He was away lots and you wanted to focus on Acting. Your first movie you were in, Nick coincidentally played your boyfriend. Lets just say after that it wasn't just in the movie.

Cam: Paul Wesley

Paul was your Childhood babysitter. Although the age difference was a lot, and that he basically raised you for some bits of your life, you loved him. Cameron knew this and eventually broke it off.


Hey guys sorry I don't have all the boys in this one, it's just been sitting in the chapters that needed to be published for ages xx

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