#42 You cheat on him and someone catches you / pt 2

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Shawn Mendes; Cameron

It had just turned February and the teasingly scalding sun was set high in the bright shores of Sydney's harbour. Shawn was in the middle of his first set in the buzzing outside area. Thrills of excitement streamed up from the mob of fans making it's way back stage to where I, Cameron and Nash Grier sat drunkenly together on some lavish leather couch. We babbled away about amusing nonsense, reminiscing on the good old memories made during magcon days as well as other secrets that were kept behind closed doors. "Remember when y/n and Shawn first started seeing each other and she walked on him shirtless serenading everyone singing the Cameron Dallas song?" Nash chuckled. We all burst out in a perfectly synced laugh, "that was ICONIC," I chocked, "how did I let him live that down oh my god! I need another drink if we're talking about this HAA." I someone managed to scrape my heavy, fairly drunk, ass of the suite and to the bar down the hall. "I'm coming too, I need vodka!" A rather slurry Mr Dallas said. "Bring me back a midori lemonade," Nash yelled after Cam and I. "Bitch drink!" I called back at him laughing. Unwillingly, like my body had a mind of it's own, I skipped my way over to the long shelf filled with alcohol. "I love this stuff!" I shrieked my hand reaching over before snatching a random bottle of the ledge. Damn you alcohol, why am I so embarrassing. "Someone's had little too much to drink," Cameron smirked, making is way over to me slowly. Why was he walking like that? Like so slow? Was he trying to be seductive? Why the smirk also? Weirdo! Okay deep breath, it was kind of... I mean, very, hot? God i'm drunk, I can't think straight enough to save myself. My eyebrows flurried together. "You're so sexily strange," I baffled out. His eyes widened. "Yip, you have definitely had too much to drink y/n." "NO!" I immediately yelled. "I mean uhh... How do you know?" Cameron bit his lip and brushed his hand through his hair. What the frick! He's like a sex gif reincarnated from tumblr. "Because you.." He stepped closer to me. Oh god I'm wet. "Are a wee flirt when you're drunk," he lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek before leaning in. His lips met mine, urgency was in our kiss. My brain was a fuzz, thoughts were completely lost and my mind was spinning. My hands made there way up Cameron's torso and laced into his hair. I slightly tugged on it, a small, very deep moan escape this lips. I needed more. There was a small pull at the hem of my shirt. Before I knew it I was topless, my back pressed to the cold bar counter with Cameron on top of me. Gasp. Kiss. Moan. "What the hell is taking you guys so long? Shawn's finishing in five minutes and-" Nash said walking in. Frick.


hey guys! sorry this is so short but i really wanted to update as i haven't in so long! (it's just been just over two years wow) i'm determined to keep writing & finish this "book"? (haha idek)when i reach 50 preferences. hope you're all doing well  ❤️

- lily xx

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