#41 Where he Proposes (Part 1)

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It was the 6th year of yours and Shawn's relationship. Your anniversary was last month and you had started to wonder if Shawn was ever going to ask the big question.  However when he booked a 5 star hotel suite in Paris for a week away you knew something was up. After a long plane ride and countless movies you finally arrived. That week was full of new adventures and memories that you would cherish forever. It was the last night of your holiday and you and Shawn were standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower admiring the lively hood of the city. Just as you were about to leave Shawn got down on one knee and asked the question. You happily said yes and went back to the hotel for a long night of celebration sex.


It was the last night of Cameron's tour and you were in the stunning destination of Hawaii. It had been such a long couple of months and you were both exhausted, however wanting to savourer each moment you and Cam went for a walk on the beach. It was a mild night and the crisp sounds of the exotic waves  crashing on the sore made everything so much better. After half an hour of walking you came across an abandoned Picnic blanket laying on the sand. You both sat down and engaged in a convocation. Mid sentence Cameron paused and pulled something out of his pocket, you gasped as you saw what he was holding. It was a photo of him repping crips. Disgusted you jumped up. "What the fuck?!" You yelled. Just like that you and Cameron's past meant nothing to you. You turned your heel and ran off, making sure to kick sand in his face. No one fucks with Blood gang. No one. 


Shit. You felt the vile substance start rising in your throat again. You rushed to the bathroom, only just making it to the toilet in time before throwing up. Nash quickly followed behind you, holding your hair up as you did your thing. A tear escaped your eye as you lifted your head out of the toilet bowl. Nash looked at you with sympathy in his eyes. "We're not ready Nash! We're too young" You started sobbing. "I know baby, but we'll make this work." He comforted you. "This is going to ruin our life, w-whatt about your career it's only just started!" Nash placed one of his hands of the side of your cheek, wiping away a tear. "I know  we can make this work. I was saving this for the right moment but-" he hesitated then walked into our room. A few seconds later he came back out holding the biggest Dimond ring you had seen in your life. Suddenly your mood changed. He didn't even have to ask the question because you were already screaming yes. Ah, nothing like getting knocked up then proposed to <3


hey everyone!! sorry I haven't updated in so long, life has just been really busy this past year. It's the holidays now so hopefully I can start posting more frequently! 

I hope everyone has a safe Christmas, love you all xx  

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