#1 You're Favourite Movie.

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Nash: Twilight.

Even though Nash claims he hates the movies, you know he doesn't.

Carter: This is Us

Oh baby.

Shawn: Fault in Our Stars

brb getting a lil bit emotional.

Jack J: Transformers.

Transformers is great oK?? Great.

Jack G: No Movie.

Jack and you never get through a whole movie before making out.

Taylor: White House Down.

No describtion needed.

Channing is lyfe.

Aaron: Super Hero.

Wether it's Bat Man or Hulk you and Aaron will always end up watching some sort of super hero movie.

Hayes: Scooby Doo.

I'm not even fucking kidding, Scooby Doo is the best.

Cam: Human Centerpeaid

You and usally end up shitting your pants bc ew.

Matt: Gay Porn.

You both love seeing guys getting blow jobs.

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