#38 you cheat on him and someone catches you / pt 1

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Gilinsky: Johnson.
With all the time you spent around Johnson it's fair to say you had a pretty strong bond. Although you loved Jack with your whole heart, something about Johnson made him irresistible to you. Tonight was the Jacks welcome party, they had just got back from their year long tour. The music was pounding, and you were debating wether or not to get drunk. You hadn't yet seen Gilinsky and wanted to make the most of the time he had here. You aimlessly wondered around the huge million dollar mansion. "Ayy y/n!!" Someone slurred from behind you, you turned around hoping it would be your boyfriend. "Johnsonn" you said, your heart skipping a beat. "How are you?" You blushed, pulling him in for a hug. "Good good, I've missed you," Biting your lip trying not to squeal in joy, you said. "Hahah, you're funny. Have you seen Jack?"  "Hmm yeah, he's upstairs. Want me to show you?" You nodded. "But before we do, take this." Johnson handed you a small white pill. "What's this for?" You laughed. "Trust me it will make you feel good," he said rambling something else under his breath. "Are sure this is safe?" You asked once again, not too sure. "Yeeess come on, you'll be fiine." You open the small plastic packaging. You took a big gulp of air, before shoving the pill in your mouth. "Done,"you said not feeling the effects of it yet. He laughed. "Let's go find Gilinskyy." He grabbed your hand pulling you upstairs. "Jaaackk!!" He yelled, going in and out of the rooms. A door opened and out came a familiar face. You felt my face instantly light up, "baby!" You yelled running up and hugging him. "Mm I missed you," You said inhaling the cent of his calone. "Hey babe," he kissed your the top of your head. "How are you?" You mumbled into his chest, "really good. I need to go down stairs for a minute. Johnson stay here and keep her company?" He nodded. You frowned has you watched him unlash your arms and walk away. You hadn't seen him in how long? And this is what he does. "Asshole!!" You yelled. When he was out of hearing distance. You felt your self getting angrier and angrier by the second. "What the fuck," you suddenly realised. "What the fuck was in that pill?" Johnson just smiled and pulled you into the room Gilinsky had just walked out of. "You're so hot y/n, you know that right?" He said biting his lip. Your face heated up, as you smiled at the ground. Johnson lay down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. "Come here baby." You curiously walked over to him. "Lay down." You obliged. As soon as you did his hands were at the hem on your top lifting it up. "Shit look at you y/n." His finger tips danced over your skin, his touch alone felt like paradise. "Kiss me," you breathlessly breathed out. He just sat that starring down at you. "Kiss me," you had more urgently. His lips came crashing down, you moaned out, rapping you arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Your mind was somewhere else, you weren't thinking probably. "What the fuck is this?" An angry voice behind us said, ".. Madison?"

Cam: Gilinsky.

It was another boring night at the hotel. All the boys had gone to the gym as you and Mahogany were relaxing back in the rooms. "Kian Lawley or Grayson Dolan?" You asked, shoving another chip in your mouth. "Are you kidding?" She said, "hands down Grayson, I'd suck him off any day," "ahahah Mahogany!!" You laughed, wiping a tear that was forming. "Just being honest ahah. Um, Gilinsky or Reynolds?" You cringed, "I can't answer that!" "Yes you can, come on it's me I won't tell a soul." "I would pick Cameron," she groaned. "Y/n serious answer." "Oh god, is it bad I don't even have to think about this?" She laughed, "probably but I'm not here to judge, now tell me." "Gilinsky," you breathed out- "what a about me?" A shirtless Jack walsed into the room. A small glistening of sweat on his abs. I blushed, "nothingg," we both said in sync. "Nah, tell me," I looked at Mahogany not sure what to say. "Well look the time, I'm tried niight," she singsong, packing up her stuff. "I thought you were staying in here?" I said harshly. "Change of plans, night you two," Mahogany said, rushing out of the room. I looked over at Jack, "so," he said. God he looked sexy. "Soo," I said in a high pitched tone. "Are you going to tell me what you were talking about?" He smirked. Oh don't act like you don't fucking know you cunt. "Stop making it awkward," I whined, turning the tv on. "I'm not, you're the one making it awkward." Browsing through channels I sighed, "go have a shower you smell bad," I said changing subject. "Shower with me," I turned my head, looking away from the tv. "Huh?" I said obviously not hearing right. "Come shower with me," "w-what? Are you sure?" I said stunned. I bit his lip and nodded. He disappeared from the room leaving me in a confused mess. I liked Cameron for sure, but I've always felt a strong connection with Jack. Every time I felt something for Jack I mentally abused myself. I could never do this to Cameron, especially with Jack. I kept on making excuses for myself not to like Jack but right now I wanted to be with him. I needed to. The sound of the expensive hotel shower turned on, seconds later Jack appearing in the door frame, only a towel around his waist. "You ready?" He said in a raspy voice. My core instantly getting wet. Leaving a trail of clothes behind me I bounded off the bed and into the bathroom. My lips crashed onto Jacks, sparks  immediately going off. I moan, my hand making their way down his body to wear his towel lay, covering his manhood. Slowly and gently I unwrapped it, gasping at the sight of how big he was. "Fuck Jack," he grinned, pleased with himself. "Lets get into the shower babe." I nodded him, hopping in to the now steamy shower. Five minutes later we were having some great scandalous sex. Our moaning was getting louder and louder as we both came close to finishing. "Yo Jack?" Someone called. We both froze. "Fuck," I muttered. "Bro it's Johnson, you in here?" The door to the bathroom opened and I held my breath not sure what to expect next.

authors note:
sorry I haven't updated in ages!! I'm lazy and can't be bothered to edit so excuse my terrible spelling. I also realised I kept changing the perspective from you to I.
The other boys are coming soon.

Lily xox

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