chapter 7- ❝being kids❞

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TW/eating disorder

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TW/eating disorder

𝗜 𝗪𝗜𝗦𝗛 𝗜 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 say that me and Emilio met under good circumstances. I wish I could say that we had the best life ever as kids. But that would be a lie and why lie about your life to make it more like everyone else's when you could tell the truth and be proud of how far you've come.

When me and Emilio met it was a very rough time for me in my life. When I met him I was 9 and he was 10. At nine years old it's pretty common for a kid to be able to tell what emotions their feelings and knowing right from wrong. Knowing how your supposed to be treated and how your not. 9 year old me knew when someone was out of line.

Flashback: Emilio's POV- (Val is 9, Leo is 10)
I was going to the bathroom because my teacher said I could. I walked my way to the bathroom with my teddy bear in my hand that I use for comfort because my parents are always to busy at work to play with me so I'm stuck by myself.

On my way to the bathroom I was passing through the hallway when I see a little girl on the floor crying. She's so pretty like a princess. Her hair is so long and her face is so pretty. I also love her outfit! She doesn't know I'm here so I walk up to her and sit down.

"What's wrong?," I ask her. She lifts her head up to look at me and I give her a small smile because smiles always make me feel better. "The kids in my class are bullying me because I have no mom," she says while crying again. Ummm... what do I do she's to pretty to cry. "Do you want my bear he helps me to calm down and stop crying when I am sad," I say and offer her my bear with a big smile. She laughs and nods.


She's so pretty when she laughs. She hugs my bear to her chest and she stops crying. "Why did they make fun of you?," I ask. She rubs her nose. "Because when my mom had me she died right after so they say it's my fault when I didn't want her to leave me," she says. "Those people are just meanies it wasn't your fault" I say. "Can I hug you?," She asks. "What is that?," I ask.

She doesn't say anything but wraps her arms around me. This feels nice I've never done this before. I hug her back. "Your very beautiful like a princess," I tell her and her face turns red. "Thank you your very handsome like a prince," she says.


"Want to go hang out for recess?," She asks me. I nod and afterwards we play in recess for a while and no one bothers us. I can already tell she's going to be my bestfriend!
Flashback Over.

That is how me and Emilio met I was struggling with the guilt of thinking I killed my mom but Emilio, my Emilio told me it wasn't my fault and helped me see it wasn't so I believed him.

After that day we played together everyday and then we became teenagers and we hung out everyday until he turned 16 and I was 15 he got a girlfriend and he became distant and mean.

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