chapter 32- ❝sick❞

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                  𝗜𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 five weeks since the time in the shower and I've been feeling kinda bad recently

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                  𝗜𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 five weeks since the time in the shower and I've been feeling kinda bad recently. I woke up today with Emilio spooning me from behind. I bask in his warmth as his arm is wrapped around my stomach. I move my arm and intertwine my finders with his on top of his hand.

He feels my movement and starts to move before pulling my closer to him by my hips. He groans as he slowly wakes up. "Why are you up and just staring," he asks me. "Hmmm, I don't know I just woke up randomly and didn't want to wake you up but seems to me that I failed," I say to him and feel him kiss my cheek.

He's about to answer but I slap my hand against my mouth as I feel bile rise up my throat. I quickly move his hand off from around me and rush to the bathroom before kneeling down to the floor and emptying my stomach into the toilet.

I feel Emilio grab my hand before he starts to rub my back. I quickly empty my stomach before wiping my mouth and turning around to look at him he gives me a small close lipped smile. I quickly climb into his lap as he is sitting criss-cross on the floor and wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my face into his neck.

"Are you okay baby," he asks me and I just huff. "I hate throwing up it's one of my least favorite things," I say to him and I feel him rub my back. "It's okay I'll be here to help you through it," he tells me as he kisses my temple. I smile into his neck and he chuckles. "Do you want to go downstairs and eat breakfast?," he asks me and I nod my head.

He stands up and tries to put my down but I just whine feeling extra clingy today. I nod my head and he laughs before I peck his lips. He wraps his hands around the back of my thighs and lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and again smush my face into his neck.

He walks out of the room and goes down the stairs and to the kitchen. When he walks in Alvaro and Ivey and Jaxon are all sitting there eating breakfast. "Why are you carrying her," Jaxon asks while staring at Emilio in amusement. Emilio begins to talk and I feel the vibrations of his voice.

"She threw up this morning and she just wanted comfort so that what I'm gonna give her," he says before going to the table and sitting down. He situated me in his lap and I lay my head on his shoulder feeling tired again. Not long after the chef brings me a plate of hash browns with ketchup on them because that's what I like but I'm not interested after throwing up.

"Baby," Emilio calls for me and I lift my head to look at him. He quickly brushed my hair behind my ear. "Can you eat a little bit of this for me?," he asks me and I nod my head. I lay my head on his shoulders sideways so I can see out. He cuts a piece of the hash brown before he moves it to my mouth.

I open my mouth and and accept the bite and chew it as he smiles at me before taking a bite of his food. He rubs my back as I swallow the bite. He continues to rub my back as he feeds me bites of my food. My eyes grow heavy as I feel so tired. Not long after I fall asleep in his lap.

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