chapter 15- ❝masquerade❞

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W/ POV changes a lot I'm sorry

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W/ POV changes a lot I'm sorry.

𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜𝗦 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬 of the masquerade ball. We need to get ready for it even though it starts at night we have to start getting ready at 12pm. I decide to go down and eat breakfast but on the way I stop by Valeria's door to get Jagger and feed him.

I walk inside and see her laid out on the bed. She was turned on her stomach with her leg propped up. Her face was turned to the side with her hair sprayed everywhere. Her face looked so innocent and adorable. She had no covers on and was wearing tight shirts and a small shirt again. This gave me a perfect view of her ass.

I turn and see Jagger by her with his face laying right in front of hers and his body towards her. That should be me. Really Emilio getting jealous of a dog. I snap out of it and call Jagger. Valeria woke up in the process. "No Leo go away," she says while putting her arm on Jagger to keep him there.

My heart skips a beat at the name she called me when we we're kids. "I need to feed Jagger move your arm," I say and try to move her arm. She slaps my hand away. "No, he can starve he's staying here," she says. I roll my eyes and do something Jagger wouldn't be able to resist.

I pet his face and say. "Jagger, do you want to eat some food," he instantly jumps up and off the bed and stands next to me and does circles by my legs.

Ha-ha, I'm a winner.

"Your a traitor Jagger, no more cuddles for you," she says while still not moving from that position. He whines at her. "I'm kidding, go eat," she says and he runs out of the room while I walk after him. "Shut the door all the way Emilio," she says and I ignore her while walking out.

"Your such a bitch," she says and I laugh at that. Then I feed Jagger and eat breakfast before I go into my room to get ready. I decided to get ready later because I don't have to take as long.

I do my hair and my hygiene routine before putting on my suit which is all black including a black tie to match Val because I know her dress is black but I haven't seen it. After I'm done I make my way downstairs to wait for all the girls to come down.

It's been like a hour and I'm still fucking waiting. Then I hear heels clacking against the floor and I see that Ivey and Malia walking out and then I see Valeria. My breathing stops and my eyes widen. The black dress she's wearing hugs her curves perfectly and her hair goes all the way down to her waist. She has on a lace mask but you can still see her and she looks so fucking good. I just noticed all the girls are matching.

 I just noticed all the girls are matching

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