chapter 30- ❝drunk❞

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                  𝗔𝗦 𝗜 𝗔𝗠 𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 ready for the day I hear Emilio call me from the bathroom as I'm in the room

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𝗔𝗦 𝗜 𝗔𝗠 𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 ready for the day I hear Emilio call me from the bathroom as I'm in the room. "BABY," he yells and I roll my eyes before walking into the bathroom. I stand in front of the counter and look at myself in the mirror.

Emilio comes behind me and wraps his hands around my waist and hugs me to him. I lean into him enjoying the comfort he bring me. He moves his head and whispers into me ear. "Jaxon, Alvaro, and I are going to the bar today to have some drink for my 'coming home' celebration I guess, are you okay with that?," he questions me.

"Yeah, that's fine I can just hang out with Ivey while your gone," I say to him and he nods his head before his holding on my tightens and he rocks us slowly side by side. "Well, I'm gonna go get ready," he says as he kisses my cheek before letting go and walking into the closet.

I sigh loudly from the loss of warmth when he let go of me. I brush my teeth and hair before I going into the closet to pick a outfit to wear for the day. I just picked a outfit I love because I haven't got dressed up in a while.

Her outfit:

(Choose what you want, this picture can be triggering to some but know you don't have to have her body to be beautiful <333)

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(Choose what you want, this picture can be triggering to some but know you don't have to have her body to be beautiful <333)

I finish getting ready by doing my makeup and adding some lipgloss on my lips. I move out of the closet and see Emilio sitting on the bed on his phone. He sees me and put his phone away. "You look very beautiful," he says to me and I smile at him.

"Your look very hot," I say to him as I look at him up and down. He's wearing a black button up that's unbuttoned a few and black slacks like always. He stands up and walks up to me and grabs my waist before pulling me to him. I wrap my arms around his neck as our bodies are flush against eachother.

"Don't entertain any other women or Emilio Jr. will get a fun little punishment," I say to him in a teasing tone. "I don't wish to entertain anyone else. For one, I hate anyones touch but yours, and two I only want you, and for three I love you so you have nothing to worry about," he says to me.

"I know, I was using it as a reminder. I love you," I say before pecking his lips trying not to ruin my lipgloss. He pulls away before licking his lips. "The lipgloss tastes really good," he tells me and I laugh at him. "It's flavored like a tangerine," I tell him and he nods his head before pecking my lips again.

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