bonus chapter 3

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                  𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜 𝗔𝗠 hanging out with Athelia at the movie theater

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                  𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗜 𝗔𝗠 hanging out with Athelia at the movie theater. I'm gonna cut to the chase I'm in love with her and have been since I was little. She doesn't seem to catch my hints when I talk to her or touch her but that's okay. She'll get it one day.

We don't have that big of a age gap. She is 19 and I'm 23. She was underage for a while and I wasn't so I didn't do anything to her but now since she is 19 I have been subtly touching her. Wether it's missing her forehead or holding her hand or anything like that she doesn't notice.

I'm not one of those boys who are mean to the person they are in love with because they don't know how to act. *cough* *cough* Milo *cough*.

Anyways yeah I am not mean to her in the slightest and I'm keeping it that way. I walk out of my room into the kitchen to see what my mama is doing. I walk into the kitchen and see her cooking.

"What are you making?," I ask her and she jumps. "You little fucking shit I'm gonna burn you if you do that again," she says to me and I laugh so hard. "I'm sorry mama," I say to her and she rolls her eyes before turning around and cooking again.

"Me and Athelia are going to the movies today just wanted to let you know," I say to her and she nods. "You are so whipped for that girl and she doesn't even know," she says to me and starts laughing. "YES HE IS," dad yells from the living room before walking into the kitchen.

"Okay at least I didn't bully her into hating me and then loving me," I say to my dad. "Ohhh son you wound me," he says with a hand to his heart. "It worked though didn't it," he says as he walks by but slapping my moms butt. I grimace at that.

"Stop doing that in the kitchen when your children are present," I say to them and he laughs. "I don't give a single fuck," he says and laughs. I just scowl at him. "Well Son, you have fun with the girl who doesn't want you," he says and runs into the living room.

"Get your husband mom," I say to her and she rolls her eyes. "There isn't much I can do about that when he's right," she says and I roll my eyes and walk away as my parents laugh.

I walk upstairs and go to athelias room. I knock on the door and hear a small 'come in'. Her voice is so angelic and soft I could die. I walk in and see her. Her outfit is hot as fuck. "Fuck me. You look so beautiful," I groan out.

Her outfit:

She looks so good I can't even breath

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She looks so good I can't even breath. I'm just wearing black jeans and a black shirt. I copied my dads style it's okay. I walk up to her and grab her cheeks and place a kiss onto her forehead. "Are you read to go?," I question.

"Yes I'm so excited to see this movie it's gonna be so good," she says and does a little happy dance. Adorable. "Yes it's gonna be good," I say to her and we walk downstairs. I grab her hand and intertwine out fingers and her cheeks heat up.

I take her outside and into the car and wait for her to buckle and then I shut her door. I get into my side and start the car. I start to drive to the theater and as I'm driving I place my hand on her thigh. I feel her shudder under my hand. I smirk to myself.

She placed her hand on top of mine on her thigh. I smile to myself because she's so cute. We quickly make it to the theater. I get out and go to her side and open the door for her and she smiles at me. She's so precious.

We walk into the movie theater and I take her hand and intertwine our fingers obviously. She smiles to her self again and I laugh. I walk inside and we stand in line for the movie. "You look very handsome," she says to me and I smile.

"Thank you, you look very gorgeous as I said before," I say to her and she blushes. "My dads told me to tell you not to try anything funny or they will hurt you," she says with a amusing smile on her face.

"What they don't know won't hurt them," I whisper into her ear and she shudders. The line moves and it's our turn so I grab her hand and walk forward. We get our tickets and snacks and then we sit in the seats.

She sits on my right and next to her is a old man. Next to me is a child. She looks about five years old. I put my hand on her thigh as always and she puts hers on top of mine. The movie starts to play and I see her squirming from the corner of my eye and I look over and the old man is touching her other thigh.

Who does this bitch think he is. I grab onto her hand and lift her up to stand before plopping her onto my lap. I send him a deathly glare. "You okay baby?," I question her and she nods. I wrap my arms around her and she wraps hers around my neck and lays her head down.

The best way to spend my Friday.

I keep her secure on my lap and bask in her comfort. She sits on my lap the whole time. Once the movie is over we make our way home and see everyone in the living room.

We sit down with them and I sit across from Athelia. She smiles at me and I wink at her. "How did your date go?," my dad yells and everyone stops their convos and listens.

"It was great dad thank fits yelling," I say to him and he laughs. "It's okay son I love you," he says and I smile. "I love you too," I say to him. We continue to talk and have fun. I enjoy my time with them because we are...

...the perfect big family.

Here's another bonus chapter!

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Here's another bonus chapter!

Did I have to tussle with another fly today? Yes I did and what about it.

If you didn't see my tik tok emilio and Valeria's moons are perfect fit together so their soulmates. I love them so much.

I seriously need to edit this book don't mention any mistakes because that's very degrading.

Thank you for reading! I love you all! <333

Thank you for reading! I love you all! <333

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