chapter 40- ❝happy❞

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                  𝗜'𝗠 𝗪𝗢𝗞𝗘𝗡 𝗨𝗣 in the middle of the night by the sound of Emiliano crying

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                  𝗜'𝗠 𝗪𝗢𝗞𝗘𝗡 𝗨𝗣 in the middle of the night by the sound of Emiliano crying. He's probably hungry and I don't really feel like going downstairs to heat up a bottle so I need to improvise. I walk over to the crib in our room that we moved in here because he doesn't sleep in a separate room.

I walk to the crib and peek over to see him. His hands are balled into fists, his face is red, his legs are kicking back and fourth so he most definitely is hungry. I pick him up and take him over to the bed where Valeria is laying on her side.

She's breathing evenly indicating that she is in deep sleep and I don't want to wake her so we need to do this slowly. I set Emiliano on the bed in the middle next to Val with his paci to keep him quiet. I move over to Val and take the covers off of her body and roll them to her waist.

She's only wearing my shirt and her panties to bed because she says it's comfortable. So I grab the hem of her shirt and pull it up. I take her arms and move one at a time out of the arm holes slowly. She doesn't wake up but she stirs and turns onto her back. I move my hand under the back of her head and lift it up before pulling the shirt off of her.

Once I get it off she turns to the other side facing my side of the bed. I pick up Leo and move him over to lay next to her right where her breast is in line and he quickly latches onto it. He sucks happily. I move over and get into my side of the bed. I am a little upset knowing I can't cuddle her cause the baby is right there.

Everyone is content for like 2 minutes before Val turns on her back and that makes Emiliano unlatches and he starts screaming. He lets out loud cries as his whole body shakes. "Baby," I say and shake Valeria awake. Her eyes snap open and she looks to Emiliano and sees him crying.

"Why is he crying and why is my shirt off," she says before she picks him up and cradles him to her chest and he easily latches again before he settles down and stops crying as he drinks milk again. "He was hungry and woke up so I removed your shirt for him to eat while you laid on your side but you turned on your back and he unlatched.

She smiles sympathetically down at Emiliano and it makes me laugh because she loves this little boy to death. "I'm sorry, mommy's really tired my sweet boy," she says explaining herself to Emiliano even though he doesn't understand.

After he finishes eating everyone falls back asleep.

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