chapter 16- ❝waiting❞

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                  𝗜𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗧𝗪𝗢 hours since Emilio has been in the hospital part of the mansion

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𝗜𝗧 𝗛𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗧𝗪𝗢 hours since Emilio has been in the hospital part of the mansion. We're sitting in the waiting room now and I can't help but think about everything. How it seems that we have been getting closer by a invisible hook that just keeps pulling and putting us together.

When he talked to me before we made it here. He talked in such a sweet tone it reminded me of when we were younger. The way he looked at me, when he touched me, when he spoke nice words to me it's like my life was drained of color and he put it back.

Even though he is a asshole I know he has a reason to it and I'll be damned if I don't figure it out. He is really secretive now and closed off and I just want to know why that is.

I won't force him if he's not ready but I just want the old Emilio back. The one I would joke with and was super close with. The one I would stay up all night to talk to. The Emilio that would never dare speak a mean word to me because he don't want to see my upset.

The Emilio I fell in love with.

I know some people would probably ask me 'why are you so distraught and sad that he's in the hospital if he's so rude to you' well the simple answer would be when your best friends with someone your whole life the love you have for eachother whether it be romantic or platonic doesn't go away in an instant.

I will always have love for Emilio even if we never pursue something romantic. So seeing him like this really broke my heart. I'm still in the waiting room with everyone. I'm sitting next to Alvaro and Malia but I lean my head on malias shoulder. She leans hers on top of mine.

"He's gonna be okay, love," she says and I nod my head not knowing what to believe. I just try to focus on anything other then the fact that my old bestfriend is fighting for his life.

I always grew up with the saying 'I'll love you until the world stops spinning'. My dad would say it to me I would say it to him and Emilio it became our thing. It became the saying that many people have for their families except this one was mine.

But I don't believe in that anymore. Because even though it feels like my world has stopped spinning I still love him even after. The saying I lived by still has the same importance but this time I altered the meaning.

More hours seem to pass before a doctor comes out. "He's stable, but that can very much change. The bullet was very close to hitting some vital organs so he's gonna need a lot of rest. We advise only one person at a time to see him because he is in critical care for a few hours," he says before leaving the room.

Everyone looks to me. I just stare confused. "We're telling you to go first and see him," Alvaro says with a laugh. I just look at them before getting up and going into his room. I open the door and see him on the bed looking practically lifeless. That made a new set of tears form in my eyes.

I sit on the chair next to him and put my hand in his and the second I did the heart monitor started going faster. I quickly remove my hand and it slows. I try again and put my hand in his and again is speeds up. I call the nurse into the room.

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