chapter 10- ❝club❞

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W/ slight mature content

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W/ slight mature content

𝗪𝗔𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗨𝗣 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 morning I was shocked I actually went to sleep. My anxiety kept me up all night and I was having flashbacks of those nights. I was in the bathroom all night because I didn't want to wake Valeria up by my panic attacks.

So I just waited in the bathroom and decided to go into the bed. I didn't know I would cuddle with her until I woke up and I did. Valeria had told me that her and Ivey were going to the mall yesterday to get a dress for the club today. I decided to go downstairs to eat something for breakfast before taking my medication.

I cooked myself eggs Benedict. I made my way to the table and ate by myself. When I was done I washed my dishes and made my way into Valeria and I's room to get ready for the day. Valeria was in Iveys room getting ready for the club with her. I just decided to wear black slacks and a black button up shirt.

I left my hair messy but organized, I brushed my teeth and sprayed my perfume. After I was done I made my way down stairs to the living room where I found Jaxon sitting there waiting for the girls too. "Are you getting drunk tonight?" I asked Jaxon while staring at him.

"Yeah I want to have fun, are you?," He asks while drinking a sip of his cup of water. I nodded before speaking again. "I'm only gonna drink some not enough to get me wasted," He nods his head before we hear footsteps coming down the stairs. My jaw drops and my dick hardens so fast after gazing at her.

Her outfit showed off her curves. Her ass looked so good in that outfit and her breast were practically spilling out of the top. I moved to adjust my pants because they felt very tight. But damn she looked so fucking good.

Her outfit:

Iveys outfit:

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Iveys outfit:

Iveys outfit:

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