chapter 38- ❝he's here❞

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                  𝗔𝗦 𝗜 𝗙𝗘𝗟𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘 water rush down my legs a intense contraction hit me

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                  𝗔𝗦 𝗜 𝗙𝗘𝗟𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘 water rush down my legs a intense contraction hit me. I stand up to tell everyone but I almost fall down but I grab onto Leo. "You okay, baby?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"My water broke and it hurts really bad," I say to him and he stands up. I wrap my arm around his neck and put my head hanging down in front of him as I try to breath. When the contraction is over I begin to talk.

"Can you get the baby bag out of the nursery so we can go to the hospital?," I ask Leo and he nods. I watch as he runs up stairs to get the bag and I feel another contraction. I groan in pain as I hold onto my stomach trying to stay standing on the ground.

Ivey comes up to me and grabs my hands to steady me and I wrap my arms around her neck and let her hold my weight because it hurts so bad. "Your doing great mama," she tells me and I nod my head tiredly. Not long after leo comes back with the bag and he comes up to me.

I feel myself being picked up bridal style before he takes me to one of the cars. I sit in the backseat and Leo gets in with me as Ivey drives the car. Another contraction hits my right when I sit down and I feel tears form in my eyes. Leo sits next to me as I lean over his lap.

He starts to rub my back in circle. "It hurts so bad," I say as year start to fall onto his pants. "I'm sorry baby," he says to me as he continues to massage my back.

Not long after we reach the hospital after a few minute car ride if me groaning in pain and crying onto Leo as he helps me. They haven't to take my inside by a wheelchair because the pain is to much for me to walk. We get up to the desk after a walking.

"Hi, my girlfriend is in labor," Leo says hurriedly and they miss their head and t some nurses come out. They take us to the maternity ward and into a room. In the room their is a bed, a hospital bassinet for baby boy and medical equipment.

"For this part right now it's gonna take a long time for baby to want to come out. The best way for the father to help is to get into the bed with mom. So, hop up onto the bed for me sir," the nurse says and Leo sits on the bed. They recline the bed so it's sitting up.

"Okay now mama you are going to sit in between his legs with you back to his chest. This can offer support and can be very relaxing, okay?," she says and I nod my head before standing up out of the chair after I get changed into my hospital gown. Leo has his hands stretched to me.

I grab into his hands and someone helps me get up onto the bed and I sit between his legs. I lean back and rest my back on his chest and my head on his chest. Leo moves his hands and puts them onto my belly and I put my hands on top of his.

This position is very comfortable for me. "We're gonna see how dilated you are right now okay?," she asks me and I nod. "Why have to give you vaginal exam so we're going to have you out your legs up here," she says to me and I put my legs on the stirrups.

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