chapter 29- ❝reunited❞

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                  𝗜𝗧𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗔 𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗛 being in here and not seeing Val

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𝗜𝗧𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗔 𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗛 being in here and not seeing Val. I'm going insane I think. I just want to be with her. That's why I made this plan today to take our all these mother fuckers in here. There's only six of them because we killed the rest in the battle at my mansion.

I've been slowly gathering weapons they use on me and I have quite the bit of weapons with me. Quickly I take the bolt cutters and cut the chains around me before standing up and grabbing the knifes and guns I have got from them.

I make my way to the door and use the key that the dumbass dropped when he bent down to grab the knife when I kicked it out of his hand the first day I was here. I grab the key and unlock the door before the two guys quickly try to attack me. I grab my knife and quickly stab one of them in the eye. There's no need to drag it out because I just want to go home.

I take my gun and shoot the other guy in the head when he tries to tackle me. I make my way out and run to the front but am stopped by three other people. One tackles me to the floor and straddles me but that doesn't last long when I slit his throat.

Another one comes at me and I grab my gun again before taking out the other two. All that's left is the stupid cunt names Blaise. I go to the office and see him in there. I grab my gun before aiming it at him and as I step into his office.

He turns and see me and laughs at me. "I don't find anything funny," I say to him and he just stares at me. "You know, I did have nothing against you until your men killed my old friend Malia. You killed her for just existing. And then you decide to dig yourself into a seller hole by killing my unborn child," I say as I circle his desk and pull the gun to his temple as he sits in his chair.

"Your men sat on my girlfriends stomach and killed my baby with no remorse afterwards," I say and chuckle as his sits there silently. "It wouldn't have a great life if it's stuck with you and that whore," he says and that was my last straw as I hit him besides the head with the end of the gun.

"Fuck," he has as his head starts to bleed. "Don't call my girlfriend a whore because she's anything but that and my baby would have had a amazing life so I would rethink your sentences because your life is in my hands, is it not?," I ask him.

I quickly grab some rope from the couch in his office and tie him to his chair and grab his computer. I type in jaxons number and send him a message of my location. I wait for Jaxon to come as this dipshit goes on saying random ass shit I don't care to hear.

Not long after I hear people running and door swing open to reveal Alvaro and Jaxon. I point to Blaise signaling for them to get him but they don't they just stare at me before running and tackling me into a hug. I laugh before slowly hugging them back. We hug for a few minutes before they grab Blaise and we get out of here.

In the car my leg shakes repeatedly as I wait in anticipation to see my baby. The ride feels like it's taking forever to get to the safe house and my patience is slowly slipping away. "Everyone was so worried about you," Alvaro says and I look at him. "Well, rather me then anyone else," I say to them and they roll their eyes.

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