Chapter 2 - Encounter

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"Hmmm, where should I go?" Glynne pondered while wandering around the school.

The place was quite vast so it would take a lot of time to explore the place fully. Regretfully, since he have something to do after this, like fixing up his room, he could only explore around for a little bit.

As he walked around, he noticed there's a lot less student than before. Which was quite understandable since classes have already ended since a while ago. Most of the students have probably gone home by now. Those that remained on the school grounds may have some business left to do or they just plainly wanted to train more.

"Would appreciate it if they don't look at me weirdly though..." Glynne muttered in complaint. But as he thought about what Himeko said earlier, his shoulders just dropped down as there's nothing much he could do about it.

After a few minutes of wandering around, a particular building caught his interest. It was the classic firing range. There's nothing fancy on it like life-like holographic moving targets or ever-changing obstacles, it's just the plain old classic firing range with stationary targets on an open field.

That said, this was quite fine for Glynne, or rather, he preferred it this way.

He had shown his ID to a nearby scanner in order to log in his name. After he got his confirmation, he began his preparation like setting up his target and bringing out his gun.

The gun he had was a M1911 pistol. From the looks of it, it seemed like it's quite old and used up as its original black coloring was fading and few small scratches could be seen on some parts. However, it had quite a sentimental value for Glynne as he looked at with a gentle gaze.

After doing a quick check on his gun, he aimed his weapon and open fired at the target. The target's distance was about forty-five meters away, just barely inside the effective range. After firing his seventh round, he stopped to reload as he looked over at the target to see seven holes inside the inner most circle.

It was an impressive feat of accuracy but Glynne didn't care much of it as he proceeded to setup another target. This time, the target was about twice the distance from the first one.

With the target being out of the effective range of his weapon, there's a visible decrease in his performance. This was quite evident when his first shot barely hit the outer circle.

However, each shot became more and more accurate as he was getting quite used to it. By the time he reloaded and fired his ninth round, he hit the bullseye. The next shots after that didn't go far from the inner circles.

As he emptied his third magazine, he stopped to assess his performance.

"Still have a long way to go..." Glynne thought while putting a hand under his chin. He can't help but compare himself to his mentor. Although what he did was already impressive enough as it is but when it comes to his mentor, this much was nothing.

This doesn't really discourage him that much though. Rather, it fired up his feeling of competitiveness quite a lot. As they say, the higher the mountain, the greater the feeling after reaching it's peak.

"Woah, that's quite impressive!"

As he was thinking on what he needs to improve on, he got startled when someone suddenly spoke beside him. He turned around and immediately grabbed his gun before gaining a bit of distance.

"Ah, did I surprised you? Hehe, sorry about that."


Glynne didn't reply as he observed the person that sneaked up behind him. It was a girl with blue eyes and long white hair tied into two braids. She didn't seemed to be someone dangerous, rather she looked quite carefree. Looking at her closely, he remembered her from while ago.

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