Chapter 12 - Expedition: Day 1

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"So that's the place, huh." Glynne muttered after getting out of the transport truck as he looked over the overgrown city ruins in the distance.

It was the day of the expedition. Following the protocol, Glynne was dispatched ahead of time as Chevaliers were needed to do preliminary preparations like scouting the location and building the base camp.

"Hm?" Noticing his arrival, a boy with light brown hair stopped his work and decided to approach him with curiosity. "Hey, are you the Chevalier sent by St. Freya?"

"Yeah" Glynne responded as he faced the brown-haired boy. He noticed that the boy who approached him was wearing clothes similar to his battlesuit, albeit a different color.

"Heh, a fellow comrade..." The boy in question also seemed to notice the same. "Oh right, the name's Albert. As you can see, I'm also a Class 2 Chevalier."

"Glynne Romero." Glynne also introduced himself as he extended his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, likewise... That said..." Albert trailed off as he immediately goes near Glynne and puts his arms over the other boy's shoulder before whispering, "Quick question. How's St Freya Academy?"

"Excuse me?" Perhaps a bit taken aback by the sudden question, Glynne was quite confused.

"Oh c'mon, don't be shy now." Albert said with a teasing smirk as he playfully poked Glynne. "You're basically living every man's dream of being surrounded by girls, you know. C'mon, tell me what it feels like?"

Upon hearing Albert's explanation, Glynne frowned a bit as he sighed, "Sorry to burst your bubble but it's nothing special."

"Lies! There's no way that's the case." Albert rebuked.

"It's the truth though..." Glynne said as he was feeling a bit troubled on how to properly explain it to Albert.

"Hey Al, are you slacking off again?!" But then a shout from the back interrupted him as Albert seemed to flinch.

"I'm not! I'm just trying to greet the newcomer!" Albert shouted back. "Let's continue this later. I better go back to work before I get scolded."

"Yeah... Well, see you around I guess." Glynne bid farewell as Albert quickly sprinted back to his work. However, he paused midway as he seemed to remember something

"Oh right, you should report first to that big tent over there." Albert shouted and pointed at the tent at the center of the camp before he continued on his way.

When Albert was gone, Glynne couldn't help but furrow his brows with the weird encounter. Though he can't really say that he felt uncomfortable with it, rather a smile soon formed on his face as Albert reminded him of a friend from the past.

"I should probably go too..." Glynne muttered before he got lost reminiscing about the past and began to walk towards the tent that Albert pointed at.

As he walked around the camp, he noticed quite a number of volunteers soldiers helping with the preparations. With the expedition lasting for three days and two nights, obviously there would be quite a lot to do that it was doubtful that five Chevaliers would finish up before the Valkyries arrived. So volunteer soldiers were called for help.

That said, the main preparations were still left to the hands of the Chevaliers as it was included in their evaluation.

Glynne soon reached the biggest tent located at the center of the camp. He entered and immediately noticed a number of electrical equipment installed in the place.

"Hm? Can I help you with something?" In the middle of the tent was a blue haired boy dress in a dark blue and yellow coveralls as he was in the middle of tweaking a machine.

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